Anarchy 49

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Contents of No. 49

March 1965

Automation, anarchism, the future Colin Johnson 65
Beyond automation George and Louise Crowley 69
Observations on anarchy 47: Towards freedom on work Tony Smythe
Maurice Goldman
Reg Wright
Notes on the Challenor case Nicolas Walter 87
Cover by Martin Leman  

Ready next month


Edited by Vernon Richards

Writers and social historians are unanimous in considering ERRICO MALATESTA (1853-1932) to be the outstanding anarchist agitator since Bakunin, but they almost all overlook the fact that he was also one of the most original and realistic of anarchist thinkers, and one who expressed his ideas with clarity and conciseness. Equally important, as one historian who realised his worth put it: “Malatesta … bridges 19th and 20th century European thought as few of his peers did.” Yet apart from a few pamphlets all his writings were in the form of articles mainly for Italian anarchist journals, a number of which he himself founded and edited, including the daily anarchist newspaper Umanita Nova.

One of the reasons for the neglect he has suffered is that very few of his periodical writings have ever been published in English. This volume aims at filling the gap and at presenting as complete a picture as possible of Malatesta’s ideas on the ends and means of anarchism, in his own words. In order to do this within the compass of some 200 pages the editor has not offered a selection of articles, but has instead extracted the principal arguments from several hundred articles and classified them under twenty-seven subject headings which, in his opinion, emerge from the writings as those which most engaged Malatesta&rsquos thoughts and activity.

The second part of the volume—Notes for a Biography—seeks to emphasise the aspects of Malatesta’s long life which illumine his political thought, rather than offering a detailed chronological account of his activities.

In Part Three, the editor makes his assessment of Malatesta’s articles against the First World War, and his long article on Kropotkin, a document of historic importance as well as a good example of Malatesta’s consummate skill as a writer.

309 pages and 16 pages of illustrations


Other issues of ANARCHY

VOLUME 1, 1961: 1. Sex-and-Violence, Galbraith*; 2. Workers’ control†; 3. What does anarchism mean today?; 4. Deinstitutionalisation; 5. Spain 1936†; 6. Cinema†; 7. Adventure playgrounds†; 8. Anthropology; 9. Prison; 10. MacInnes, Industrial decentralisation.

VOLUME 2, 1962: 11. Paul Goodman, A. S. Neill; 12. Who are the anarchists?; 13. Direct action*; 14. Disobedience*; 15. The work of David Wills; 16. Ethics of anarchism, Africa; 17. Towards a lumpenproletariat; 18. Comprehensive schools; 19. Theatre: anger and anarchy; 20. Non-violence, Freud; 21. Secondary modern; 22. Cranston’s dialogue on anarchy.

VOLUME 3, 1963: 23. Housing, squatters, do-it-yourself; 24. Community of Scholars; 25. Technology, cybernetics; 26. CND, Salesmanship, Thoreau; 27. Youth; 28. The future of anarchism; 29. The Spies for Peace Story; 30. The community workshop; 31. Self-organising systems, Beatniks, the State; 32. Crime; 33. Alex Comfort’s anarchism†; 34. Science fiction, Workless teens.

VOLUME 4, 1964: 35. House and home; 36. Arms of the law; 37. Why I won’t vote; 38. Nottingham; 39. Homer Lane; 40. Unions and workers’ control; 41. The land; 42. Indian anarchism; 43. Parents and teachers; 44. Transport; 45. Anarchism and Greek thought; 46. Anarchism and the historians.

VOLUME 5, 1965: 47. Towards freedom in work; 48. Lord of the flies; 49. Automation; 50. The anarchist outlook.

Sold out.   * Few copies left, sold to purchasers of yearly set only.

Universities and Colleges
anarchy can be obtained in term-time from:

Bristol University: Ian Vine, Students’ Union; Bristol C.A.T.: Anna Roberts; Cambridge: Labour Club or CND; Leeds: Roy Todd, 15 Clarendon Place; London, Imperial College: Donald Kirkley, Dept. of Elect. Engineering; Manchester: Philip Mann, Drama Dept.; Newcastle: Howard Nash, Dept. of Architecture; Oxford: Andrew Green, Magdalen College; Reading: Mike Bloom, St. Patrick’s Hall; Sussex: Fred Herbert, Students’ Union.

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Single copies 2s. (30c.). Annual Subscription (12 issues) 25s. ($3.50). By airmail 47s. ($7.00). Joint annual subscription with freedom the anarchist weekly (which readers of anarchy will find indispensable) 40s. ($6.00). Cheques, P.O.s and Money Orders should be made out to FREEDOM PRESS, 17a Maxwell Road, London, S.W.6, England. Tel.: RENown 3736.

Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.