Anarchy 13

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Contents of No. 13

March 1962

Direct action: the make-it-yourself revolution   65
The politics of direct action Peter Cadogan 67
Direct action and the new pacifism Nicolas Walter 71
The habit of direct action David Wieck 96
Cover by Rufus Segar  


Schools for Non-Violence

Convenors and contacts of the Committee of 100 throughout the country are being urged to get a programme of education under way soon and as imaginatively as possible. The object should be to train ourselves to become more effective and more active people.

The booklet “Schools for Non-Violence”, drafted by Anthony Weaver and prefaced by Bertrand Russell, is intended to help this programme. It contains suggestions on the conduct of meetings, schools and study groups, and lists a series of questions for which we need answers, and references to eighty books which will help us in the search.

The topics outlined are: Civil Disobedience, Non-violent direct action as a defence policy, Political theory and a philosophy of conflict, Positive neutralism, Industrial action and the economics of disarmament, Psychology of violence and non-violence, Ethics and religion, Education.

If we want to make more effective and convincing propaganda, we need to have our arguments at our finger tips. This booklet will help us to educate ourselves, and others.

“Schools for Non-Violence” is published by the Committee of 100 and is obtainable from Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, N1, for 6d. and 2d. postage, or 5s. a dozen post free.


Other issues of ANARCHY

  1. Sex-and-Violence; Galbraith; the New Wave, Education, Opportunity, Equality.
  2. Workers’ Control.
  3. What does anarchism mean today?; Africa; the Long Revolution; Exceptional Children.
  4. De-institutionalisation; Conflicting strains in anarchism.
  5. 1936: the Spanish Revolution.
  6. Anarchy and the Cinema.
  7. Adventure Playgrounds.
  8. Anarchists and Fabians; Action Anthropology; Eroding Capitalism; Orwell.
  9. Prison.
  10. Sillitoe’s Key to the Door; MacInnes on Crime; Augustus John’s Utopia; Committee of 100 and Industry.
  11. Paul Goodman; Neill on Education; the Character-Builders.
  12. Who are the anarchists? A psychological and sociological enquiry.

Next month in ANARCHY

A symposium on Disobedience

Broadcast on ANARCHISM

BBC Home Service April 27th 7.30

Universities and ANARCHY

Anarchy can be obtained in termtime from:
Oxford: Martin Small, Trinity College
Cambridge: at University Labour Club meetings or from Tim Oxton, Trinity Hall.
What about Redbrick?

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