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Contents of No. 28

June 1963

The anarchist past 1. Nicolas Walter 161
The anarchist past 2. George Molnar 166
The future of anarchism 1. Philip Holgate 171
The future of anarchism 2. Ted Kavanagh 173
The relevance of Syndicalism Geoffrey Ostergaard 177
Theatre Workshop’s war requiem Alan Lovell 187
Swimming and drowning Harold Drasdo 190
Cover and titles by Rufus Segar  

Sex in Society


Dr. Comfort boldly calls sexual intercourse ‘the healthiest and most important human sport’. Nevertheless a dispassionate study of it is impossible to conduct in Britain or America today. The scientist has to contend with the absence of unbiased data and controlled statistics, with a large measure of social disapproval, and with all the risks of an emotionally loaded subject in which even ‘the facts’ are highly contentious.

Dr. Comfort has all the same done his best to produce, for the benefit of social workers, a documented analysis of the effects of modern sex education and morality on all contemporary behaviour, private and public. The much shorter version of the bok which first appeared in 1950 was described by the Journal of Education as ‘one of which it is difficult to speak too highly. It not only contains an immense amount of information, but is also written clearly and definitely, and with no trace of dogmatism.’

For this enlarged edition, Dr. Comfort has revised the whole book and added much new matter summarising the latest views on pornography, on contraceptives, on teenage delinquency, sex in religion, etc. The level-headed and optimistic presentation of his arguments helps powerfully to dispel the guilt feelings which still sometimes impede the open discussion of sexual topics.

172 pp

Next month’s ANARCHY
is about
The Community Workshop


George Woodcock

To many young people the name ‘anarchist’ has a romantic ring: to many older people it signifies beards and bombs.
In this history of libertarian ideas and movements George Woodcock shows us the true face of anarchism as a political philosophy. He presents it as a system of social thought which aims at fundamental changes in the structure of society and particularly at the replacement of authoritarian states by co-operation between free individuals. As such anarchism has a respectable pedigree. Proudhon, with characteristic defiance, adopted the label with pride. But before him there had been William Godwin (and his disciple, Shelley) and the German egotist, Max Stirner; and after him there followed the Russian aristocratic thinkers—Bakunin, Kropotkin, and the great Tolstoy by whom Gandhi was so much influenced.
It is the ideas of these six men which are minutely examined in this study, along with the anarchist movements which sprang from them.

A Pelican Book out June 30th, 480 pages, 7s 6d

For copyright reasons this edition is not for sale in the USA or Canada


Other issues of ANARCHY

  1. Sex-and-Violence; Galbraith; the New Wave, Education.
  2. Workers’ Control
  3. What does anarchism mean today?; Africa; the Long Revolution.
  4. De-institutionalisation; Conflicting strains in anarchism.
  5. 1936: the Spanish Revolution.
  6. Anarchy and the Cinema.  (out of print)
  7. Adventure Playgrounds.
  8. Anarchists and Fabians; Action Anthropology; Eroding Capitalism.
  9. Prison.
  10. Sillitoe’s Key to the Door; MacInnes on Crime; Augustus John’s Utopia; Committee of 100.
  11. Paul Goodman; Neill on Education; the Character-Builders.
  12. Who are the anarchists?
  13. Direct Action.  (out of print)
  14. Disobedience.
  15. The work of David Wills.
  16. Ethics of anarchism; Africa; Anthropology; Poetry of Dissent.
  17. Towards a lumpenproletariat: Education vs. the working class; Freedom of access; Benevolent bureaucracy; CD and CND.
  18. Comprehensive Schools.
  19. Theatre: anger and anarchy.
  20. Non-violence as a reading of history; Freud, anarchism and experiments in living.
  21. Secondary modern.
  22. Cranston’s Dialogue on anarchy.
  23. Housing; Squatters; Do it yourself.
  24. The Community of Scholars.
  25. Technology, science, anarchism.
  26. CND; Salesmanship; Thoreau.
  27. Talking about youth.

Universities and Colleges

ANARCHY can be obtained in term-time from:—
Oxford: Felix de Mendelssohn, Oriel College.
Cambridge: Nicholas Bohm, St. John’s College.
Durham: Malcolm Scott, Grey College.
Leicester: David Francis, Students’ Union.
Hull: University Bookshop.

Subscribe to ANARCHY

Single copies by post 1s. 9d. (30c.)
12 issues 20s. ($3).

and to FREEDOM

the anarchist weekly, which readers of ANARCHY will find indispensable. A year’s subscription to both journals is offered at 32s. ($5).

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17a Maxwell Road London SW6 England
Tel: RENown 3736

Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.