Anarchy 23

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Contents of No. 23

January 1963

Housing and helplessness John Ellerby 1
Do it yourself Ian Nairn 4
Miners who run their own pit Douglas Stuckey 7
Direct action for houses: the story of the squatters   9
We built our own Harry Deverson 16
What hope for housing societies? Tristram Shandy 17
Bethnal Green: a museum of housing Colin Ward 21
A man’s ambition must be small Jack Robinson 25
John Rae and the myths of war Arthur Uloth 28
Cover by Rufus Segar  

our generation

against nuclear war

An international quarterly journal devoted to the investigation of all aspects of problems relating to the establishment and maintenance of world peace and to the elimination of violence as a means of solving conflict.

Editors in:
Britain, Canada, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, New Zealand, U.S.A.

Future issues on:
Nationalism and After; Non Violent Direct Action; Neutralism; Peace Research

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Students: 15 shillings ($2.00)
Regular: 21 shillings ($3.00)

All cheques, money orders etc. to:
Housmans Bookshop 5 Caledonian Road, London, N1.
North American subscriptions to ‘Our Generation Against Nuclear War’, 911 St. James Street, W., Montreal 3, Quebec, Canada.

Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.

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Come to the Anarchist Ball

Friday January 25th 1963 at Fulham Town Hall

Music by Mick Mulligan and his Band
with George Melly
Guest artists will include
Sidney Carter, Bob Davenport, Red Nerk, Redd Sullivan and Wally Whyton

Tickets six shillings from Freedom Press
or from Dobell’s Jazz Record Shop

Other issues of ANARCHY

  1. Sex-and-Violence; Galbraith; the New Wave, Education.
  2. Workers’ Control
  3. What does anarchism mean today?; Africa; the Long Revolution.
  4. De-institutionalisation; Conflicting strains in anarchism.
  5. 1936: the Spanish Revolution.
  6. Anarchy and the Cinema.
  7. Adventure Playgrounds.
  8. Anarchists and Fabians; Action Anthropology; Eroding Capitalism.
  9. Prison.
  10. Sillitoe’s Key to the Door; MacInnes on Crime; Augustus John’s Utopia; Committee of 100.
  11. Paul Goodman; Neill on Education; the Character-Builders.
  12. Who are the anarchists?
  13. Direct Action.
  14. Disobedience.
  15. The work of David Wills.
  16. Ethics of anarchism; Africa; Anthropology; Poetry of Dissent.
  17. Towards a lumpenproletariat: Education vs. the working class; Freedom of access; Benevolent bureaucracy; CD and CND.
  18. Comprehensive Schools.
  19. Theatre: anger and anarchy.
  20. Non-violence as a reading of history; Freud, anarchism and experiments in living.
  21. Secondary modern.
  22. Cranston’s Dialogue on anarchy.

Universities and Colleges

ANARCHY can be obtained in term-time from:—
Oxford: Felix de Mendelssohn, Oriel College.
Cambridge: Nicholas Bohm, St. John’s College.
Durham: Malcolm Scott, Grey College.
Leicester: Political Science Bookstall

Correction—Mutual Aid

In Anarchy 20 we referred to Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid as ‘long out of print’. So it is in Britain, but the American edition of 1955 is available at three dollars (hard-bound) and two dollars (paperback) from Libertarian League, P.O. Box 261, Cooper Station, New York 3, N.Y.

Subscribe to ANARCHY

Single copies by post 1s. 9d. (30c.)
12 issues 20s. ($3).

and to FREEDOM

the anarchist weekly, which readers of ANARCHY will find indispensable. A year’s subscription to both journals is offered at 32s. ($5).

Cheques, POs and Money Orders should be made out to

17a Maxwell Road London SW6 England
Tel: RENown 3736