Anarchy 22

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Contents of No. 22

December 1962

A dialogue on anarchy Maurice Cranston 353
The role of relationships in Society Ronald Harvey 372
The ethics of egoism Donald Rooum 377
Snapshot album Geoffrey Minish 379
Anarchist history: some recent books   382
Index to ANARCHY, January-December 1962   383
Cover by Rufus Segar  

Michael Bakunin


This collection of extracts from the works of Michael Bakunin has been translated and edited, with a biographical essay, by K. J. Kenafick. The contents are taken largely from those writings of Bakunin touching on his controversy with Marx and therefore belong to the years 1870-72 but the passages dealing with the nature and characteristics of the State in general are mostly taken from Federalism, Socialism and Anti-Theologianism, written in 1867, and based as the title indicates on the close connection, in Bakunin’s view between the State and religion.

In the ninety or so years since these passages were written, the worship of the State has become a religion over a very large part of the globe, and we have seen in practice the fulfilment of Bakunin’s gloomy forebodings on the destination of Marxist socialism. History itself has given point and piquancy to his neglected but prophetic polemics.

64 pp.

Demy 8vo

five shillings


Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.

AXLE Spokes

from the publishers of AXLE/Quarterly review
The first five in a vital new series of small paperbacks that talk common sense on the themes of the day
Subjects (actual titles to be announced) are:

POP MUSIC/Gavin Millar
THE REAL DRUG PROBLEM/Melville Hardiment

AXLE Spokes will be available shortly (price 1s 3d each including postage) from AXLE Publications, 60 Southlands Road, Bromley, Kent


Complete, unabridged
text inside December

plays and players 2s 6d

Other issues of ANARCHY

  1. Sex-and-Violence; Galbraith; the New Wave, Education.
  2. Workers’ Control
  3. What does anarchism mean today?; Africa; the Long Revolution.
  4. De-institutionalisation; Conflicting strains in anarchism.
  5. 1936: the Spanish Revolution.
  6. Anarchy and the Cinema.
  7. Adventure Playgrounds.
  8. Anarchists and Fabians; Action Anthropology; Eroding Capitalism.
  9. Prison.
  10. Sillitoe’s Key to the Door; MacInnes on Crime; Augustus John’s Utopia; Committee of 100.
  11. Paul Goodman; Neill on Education; the Character-Builders.
  12. Who are the anarchists?
  13. Direct Action.
  14. Disobedience.
  15. The work of David Wills.
  16. Ethics of anarchism; Africa; Anthropology; Poetry of Dissent.
  17. Towards a lumpenproletariat: Education vs. the working class; Freedom of access; Benevolent bureaucracy; CD and CND.
  18. Comprehensive Schools.
  19. Theatre: anger and anarchy.
  20. Non-violence as a reading of history; Freud, anarchism and experiments in living.
  21. Secondary modern.

Universities and Colleges

ANARCHY can be obtained in term-time from:—
Oxford: Martin Small, Trinity College.
Cambridge: Nicholas Bohm, St. John’s College.
Durham: Malcolm Scott, Grey College.
Leicester: Political Science Bookstall


To complete his file of Dwight Macdonald’s Politics magazine, a reader seeks to purchase Volume 1, Numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6. Write to Mr. Bevens, c/o Freedom Bookshop.

Subscribe to ANARCHY

Single copies by post 1s. 9d. (30c.)
12 issues 20s. ($3).

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the anarchist weekly, which readers of ANARCHY will find indispensable. A year’s subscription to both journals is offered at 32s. ($5).

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