Anarchy 43/Anarchy on education

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Some other issues of ANARCHY still avail­able:

ANARCHY 21 on Secondary Modern Schools in­cluded art­icles by Anthony Blond, Judith Tudor Hart, John Duncan, Martin Daniel and David Downes. ANARCHY 18 on Com­pre­hens­ive Schools in­cluded art­icles by a head­master, a teacher, a parent, a sixth-former, an early leaver and a first-former.

ANARCHY 15 dis­cussed the work of David Wills and Dachine Rainer’s review of A. S. Neill’s “Summer­hill”. Neill himself con­trib­uted a char­acter­istic ac­count of Summer­hill edu­ca­tion to ANARCHY 11 which also in­cludes Paul Goodman’s re­flec­tions on “The Chil­dren and Psy­cho­logy”. Goodman’s book on uni­vers­ities, “The Com­mun­ity of Scholars” is dis­cussed at length in

ANARCHY 24 which also con­tains Simon Raven’s “Stolen Fruits of a Clas­sical Edu­ca­tion”.

ANARCHY 27 is about Youth and its authors in­cluded Joe Benjamin, David Downes, Nicolas Walter, Colin MacInnes, as well as Charles Radcliffe on “Anarch­ism and the Public Schools”.

ANARCHY 17 con­tains a chal­lenging art­icle “Towards a Lumpen-Pro­let­ariat” dis­cus­sing the im­plica­tions of edu­ca­tional selec­tion, and Martin Small’s review of Brian Jackson’s “Edu­ca­tion and the Working Class”.

ANARCHY 39 on the Legacy of Lane Homer Lane has art­icles on this great edu­ca­tor by David Wills, A. S. Neill, Anthony Weaver and Roy Frye.

Send two shil­lings or thirty cents for each of these back issues to Freedom Press,
17a Maxwell Road, London, S.W.6.