Anarchy 8

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Contents of No. 8

October 1961

Anarchists and Fabians: an anniversary symposium   225
Action anthropology or applied anarchism? Kenneth Maddock 232
Erosion inside capitalism Reg Wright 237
Correction   245
George Orwell: an accident in society Nicolas Walter 246
Observations on Anarchy 6 and 7 Anthony Wigens, Ray Wills, Jack Fox, W. Arthur LeMin 256

Marie Louise Berneri


“As an old student of utopias, I have a special regard for Marie Louise Berneri’s Journey Through Utopia; for it is the most comprehensive and the most perceptive study of that ideal land that I have come across in any language. As a work of scholarship, it is superior, both to my own study and that of Hertzler; but what gives it even more special merit is the fact that it is such a book as only a brave intelligence and an ardent spirit can produce: one who was an enemy to the forces that would degrade man into a servile automaton, and a friend to all that fosters freedom and creative expression. Utopia itself has almost as many circles as the Hell and Heaven that Dante visited under Virgil’s tutelage; and Marie Louise Berneri is the best of guides to this super-world: not afraid to let its inhabitants speak for themselves or to let the reader draw his own conclusions. Altogether an admirable book on a subject too important to be neglected because of the contempt expressed by the dogmatic right wing (Macaulay) or the authoritarian “Left” (Marx and Engels). Those who retain a healthy hope for the future will find sustenance for their faith in this book.”

Lewis Mumford.

Clothbound edition 16s.
Paperback edition 7s. 6d.


Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.

Other issues of ANARCHY:

No. 1.  Alex Comfort on Sex-and-Violence, Nicolas Walter on the New Wave, and articles on education, opportunity, and Galbraith.

No. 2.  A symposium on Workers’ Control.

No. 3.  What does anarchism mean today?, and articles on Africa, the ‘Long Revolution’ and exceptional children.

No. 4.  George Molnar on conflicting strains in anarchism, Colin Ward on the breakdown of institutions.

No. 5.  A symposium on the Spanish Revolution of 1936.

No. 6.  Anarchy and Cinema: articles on Vigo, Buñuel and Flaherty. Two experimental film-makers discuss their work.

No. 7.  A symposium on Adventure Playgrounds.

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