Anarchy 11
Contents of No. 11
January 1962
The World of Paul Goodman | John Ellerby | 1 |
Communitas Revisited | 3 | |
Youth and Absurdity | 14 | |
Practical Proposals | 17 | |
The Children and Psychology | Paul Goodman | 20 |
The Character Builders | Harold Drasdo | 25 |
Summerhill Education vs. Standard Education | A. S. Neill | 29 |
Cover: Bibliography for the New Commune (from Communitas) |
Problems of Youth in the Organised System
A Radical Approach to Child Rearing
an independent monthly |
was founded in 1967 to support progressive education of the sort pioneered by A. S. Neill membership subscription 10s. per annum id its journal most of the seven issues so far published are available at 2s. (40c.) each post free from Mrs. Gwen Hall, 311 Seely Road London SW17 |
Other issues of ANARCHY:
No. 1. Alex Comfort on Sex-and-Violence, Nicolas Walter on the New Wave, and articles on education, opportunity, and Galbraith.
No. 2. A symposium on Workers’ Control.
No. 3. What does anarchism mean today?, and articles on Africa, the ‘Long Revolution’ and exceptional children.
No. 4. George Molnar on conflicting strains in anarchism, Colin Ward on the breakdown of institutions.
No. 5. A symposium on the Spanish Revolution of 1936.
No. 6. Anarchy and Cinema: articles on Vigo, Buñuel and Flaherty. Two experimental film-makers discuss their work.
No. 7. A symposium on Adventure Playgrounds.
No. 8. Anarchists and Fabians, Kenneth Maddock on action anthropology, Reg Wright on erosion inside capitalism, Nicolas Walter on Orwell.
No. 9. A symposium on Prison.
No. 10. Alan Sillitoe’s Key to the Door, Colin MacInnes on crime, Augustus John on utopia, Committee of 100 seminar on industry and workers’ control.
Subscribe to ANARCHY
single copies 1s. 8d. (30c.) post free: 12 issues 19s. ($3) and to FREEDOM readers of ANARCHY will find FREEDOM, the anarchist weekly, indispensable. A year’s subscription to both journals is offered at 30s. ($5). Cheques, POs and Money Orders should be made out to: FREEDOM PRESS 17a Maxwell Road London SW6 England, Tel: RENown 3736 |
Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.