Anarchy 2

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Contents of No. 2

April 1961

Workers’ Control: Looking for a movement C.W. 33
Approaches to industrial democracy Geoffrey Ostergaard 36
The gang system in Coventry Reg Wright 47
Workers’ control in the building industry James Lynch 53
Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden & U.S.A. Philip Holgate 56
Cover Rufus Segar  

Some Blackwell books on industry

The ‘Shop Stewards’ Movement and
Workers’ Control 1910-1922

by Branko Pribicevic
with a Foreword by G. D. H. Cole

British trade unions have pro­duced more un­offi­cial move­ments than have the unions of any other country. Un­doubtedly the most famous of these was the shop stewards’ move­ment in the engin­eer­ing in­dustry during and just after the First World War, which at times came close to taking over the leader­ship from the offi­cial unions; The move­ment also de­veloped a philo­sophy of its own—the doctrine of workers’ control. Ori­gin­ally the doc­trine was taken over from various sects of so­cial­ists and syn­dical­ists, but the shop stewards de­veloped it to suit their own needs in their struggle for control in the en­gin­eer­ing workshops.

25s. net

A New Approach to Industrial Democracy

by Hugh Clegg

An import­ant new con­tribu­tion to the dis­cus­sion of the possible forms of indus­trial demo­cracy.

18s. 6d. net

Decision-Making and Productivity

by Seymour Melman

In this study of the “worker decision-making” process at a Coventry factory Pro­fessor Melman seeks {{qq|to demon­strate that there are real­istic al­tern­at­ives to mana­gerial rule over pro­duc­tion.

30s. net

The Employers’ Challenge

by Hugh Clegg and Rex Adams

This study of the Na­tional Ship­build­ing and Engin­eer­ing Dis­putes of 1957 con­cludes with an attempt to show why the employ­ers’ chal­lenge failed, and to draw some pro­vi­sional lessons from the dis­putes.

21s. net

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Still available:

ANARCHY 1: Rescuing Galbraith from the con­ven­tional wisdom; Sex-and-Violence and the origin of the novel (Alex Comfort) Education, equality, op­por­tun­ity (John Ellerby) The ‘new wave’ in Britain (Nicolas Walter).

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Public meeting on Sunday 9th April at 7.15

Working Men’s Club Hall, Clerkenwell Rd. London EC1