Anarchy 94/New York school crisis
All the talk around the New York City “school crisis” misses this altogether. And this too is not accidental.
It is significant that the one voice that has not been heard in the great debate is that of the students. But after all, they cannot be expected to understand, because they are only children, partially educated beings: partially moulded to the system. And workers are dumb. And prisoners are unreformed criminals. Or so say theThroughout much of the city, there has been the picture of locked schools with principals on the inside, police on the outside. There is a realization on the part of the Mayor, the Board of Education and the Union that there are far too many people whose “debt to education” might tempt them to convert open, empty schools into most unusual playgrounds. And there is definitely no place in the curriculum for social creativity, that is, the spontaneous activity of free individuals.
In the interaction of the various protagonists and the students, some are likely to come forward who may sense the meaning of real decentralization, who would then be impelled to want to change the system of education, to throw out this one, establish another. But who, attempting really to throw out this one, will not have to pass through throwing out the city, the state, the federal structures? Danger to the way things are lurks everywhere.
The system—
As long as the struggle is to maintain variations on what is, the solution to changing life is obscured, and obstructed.
“Well,” someone will inevitably say, “from your analysis, we might conclude that people should do nothing about what they see as wrong or feel oppressing them, until they are prepared to attack and change ‘the whole system’.”
This is not our meaning.
Those who feel it is meaningful (not those desiring to use an “issue”—
Box 666, Stuyvesant Sta., N.Y., N.Y. 10009