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{{tab}}A sens­ible ma­ter­ial stand­ard for any type of so­ci­ety, free or not, is one which is healthy and whole­some and eas­ily at­tain­able on a large scale. | {{tab}}A sens­ible ma­ter­ial stand­ard for any type of so­ci­ety, free or not, is one which is healthy and whole­some and eas­ily at­tain­able on a large scale. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Ideas about the size and nature of the or­gan­isa­tional unit of a free so­ci­ety need cla­ri­fy­ing. A free so­ci­ety is one in which re­spons­ib­il­ity for the run­ning of so­ci­ety is taken by the whole com­mun­ity and not by rul­ing cliques. To this end an­arch­ists have en­vis­aged na­tional states being split into col­lect­ives, com­munes and syn­dic­ates each autonom­ous but co-<wbr>op­er­at­ing with each other for mu­tu­al be­ne­fit and either self-<wbr>sup­port­ing or ful­filling a func­tion in a re­gion. Now if mem­bers of these col­lect­ives, etc., are to be re­spons­ible for their own com­munal activ­it­ies, then they must make all the de­cisions af­fect­ing these activ­it­ies. So the com­mun­it­ies must be of such a size that mass de­cision mak­ing is pos­sible. There­fore large indus­tries with many workers will have to be split into func­tional com­mit­tees, the activ­it­ies of which will have to be co-ordin­ated<!-- 'co ordinated' in original -->. The larger the indus­try the re­moter will seem the co-<wbr>ordin­at­ing com­mit­tee to rank and file work­ers and the growth of a per­man­ent bur­eau­cracy with au­thor­it­arian ten­den­cies is almost in­ev­it­able if the indus­try is to func­tion ef­fi­ciently. The people con­cerned may have the best will in the world but sheer size will breed in­sti­tu­tion­al­isa­tion. Can anyone en­vis­age for in­stance, the in­ter­na­tional pet­rol pro­duc­tion and dis­tri­bu­tion indus­try func­tion­ing ef­fi­ciently without some sort of cen­tral­ised au­thor­it­arian­ism however mild and be­ne­vol­ent that au­thor­ity might be. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}In mass de­cision mak­ing com­plete un­an­im­ity is highly un­likely. In con­tem­por­ary or­gan­isa­tions like am­a­teur sport and so­cial clubs where there are no ves­ted in­ter­ests and people vol­un­tar­ily co-<wbr>oper­ate there are three or four opin­ions on all the re­l­at­ively trivial de­cisions which have to be taken. Which is a healthy sign. And so people vote and so they must in an­arch­ist so­ci­eties. To ex­pect com­plete agree­ment is na­ive and be­hind it lies the idea that there are {{q|natural}}<!-- closed quotation mark double in original --> ways of doing things which in an­archy be­come self-<wbr>evid­ent. On small is­sues {{p|291}}like the colour scheme of the hos­pital or the lay­out of a park com­prom­ise is pos­sible but in de­cisions re­gard­ing large scale en­ter­prise such as the sit­ing of a reser­voir or a change in work­ing tech­niques, one de­cision must be final if chaos is to be avoided, and vot­ing is the only an­swer. An­arch­ists then must be pre­pared to prac­tise loc­al demo­cracy, this word not to be con­fused with the hy­po­crit­ical farce which is called demo­cracy today. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Vot­ing, in­sti­tu­tion­al­isa­tion in large indus­tries and even group en­ter­prises them­selves can only be avoided in so­ci­et­ies of total sim­pli­city or total auto­ma­tion neither of which are likely to come about. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}So much for ends, now a few words about means. Firstly, the idea that in soph­ist­ic­ated, in­dus­tri­al­ised coun­tries {{q|spon­taneity}}, {{q|in­stinct}} and {{q|nat­ur­al re­ac­tions}} could still play a part in other than com­par­at­ively un­im­port­ant as­pects of life can be dropped once and for all. The an­arch­ists of the fu­ture will have to be edu­cated in the pos­it­ive as­pects of an­arch­ism. The idea that could gov­ern­ment and co­er­cion be sud­denly re­moved so­ci­ety would {{q|in­stinct­ively}} adopt a liber­tarian pat­tern is at least a cen­tury out of date. In {{w|Northern Europe|Northern_Europe}} and {{w|North America|Northern_America}} in­stinct got lost in the smoke of the {{w|in­dus­trial re­vo­lu­tion|Industrial_Revolution}}, and nat­ural spon­taneity is a lost cause. It is ex­cel­lent in love-<wbr>mak­ing but not in in­dus­trial de­cision tak­ing. We are not a simple, good-<wbr>hearted people as were the {{w|Span­iards|Spaniards}}, close to the soil or only a gen­er­a­tion re­moved, think­ing in terms of their own vil­lage or area, co-<wbr>op­er­at­ive and ideal­istic. Such people take an­arch­ism as a duck takes to water. The an­arch­ist mes­sage put into words what they had felt all their lives. In Bri­tain de­based cap­it­al­ist val­ues have been at work for nearly two cen­tur­ies and people are largely cor­rupt. The slow pro­cess of edu­ca­tion alone can im­plant pos­it­ive an­arch­ist ideas into people{{s|r}} minds. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}As with pos­it­ive an­arch­ist ideas so with eth­ics, val­ues and per­sonal beha­viour stand­ards. These do not come out of thin air any more than any­thing else does. It is true that the lives of cer­tain prim­it­ive tribes sug­gest that there is a nat­ural stand­ard of eth­ics and val­ues but whether it would find a place in the com­plex­ity of an in­dus­trial so­ci­ety is du­bi­ous to say the least. In achiev­ing a free so­ci­ety the stand­ards and val­ues of cap­it­al­ism must be dis­carded. What is to re­place them? May I sug­gest a simple all-<wbr>em­bra­cing idea like {{q|do unto others{{dash}}}} which is ap­plic­able to all people at all places at all times. To the ob­jec­tion that the teach­ing of val­ues is au­thor­it­arian I can only re­peat {{q|val­ues do not come out of thin air}}. Span­ish ones owed a great deal to sim­pli­fied Chris­tian­ity al­though it{{s}} a fact not of­ten ad­mit­ted. | ||
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Revision as of 14:28, 10 April 2017
Anarchism and practicability
Ask the present people of Britain if they would like to live in a peaceful, classless, raceless society and the only dissenters would be those who imagined they had something to lose or who for reasons of personal inadequacy or support of reactionary ideas approve of hierarchical society and dread a world of free and equal human beings. Explain to the assenters the probable time scale, the fact that much of ‘our British way of life’ must be discarded, and that the personal effort involves much more than a vote every 5 years and their number greatly diminished. There remains those people who are disenchanted with present society, see the need for radical change and, most important, are prepared to do something about it.
Now tell these remaining people that you are describing an anarchist society and that the method of achieving it is anarchism and you are left with a few curious people and the convinced libertarians. Why then do so many well-
Many anarchist ideas are of no practical use, have no relevance in the modern world and should be consigned to the museum. Before going on to discuss some of these useless ideas and trying to suggest realistic alternatives, the word ‘practicability’ must be defined, for according to how long you are prepared to wait and bearing in mind the state of flux prevailing in present society it is possible to argue that anything, even the most Utopian science-
Many objections concern the shape of an anarchist society and while this can only be described in the broadcast of broad outlines there are two often heard versions which can well be set aside. The first is of a totally agricultural (or even pastoral) society with machinery discarded. If individuals want this well and good and there is nothing to prevent them starting next week providing they are capable of making the necessary effort. But to expect whole populations to revert to the simple-
A sensible material standard for any type of society, free or not, is one which is healthy and wholesome and easily attainable on a large scale.
Ideas about the size and nature of the organisational unit of a free society need clarifying. A free society is one in which responsibility for the running of society is taken by the whole community and not by ruling cliques. To this end anarchists have envisaged national states being split into collectives, communes and syndicates each autonomous but co-
Voting, institutionalisation in large industries and even group enterprises themselves can only be avoided in societies of total simplicity or total automation neither of which are likely to come about.
So much for ends, now a few words about means. Firstly, the idea that in sophisticated, industrialised countries ‘spontaneity’, ‘instinct’ and ‘natural reactions’ could still play a part in other than comparatively unimportant aspects of life can be dropped once and for all. The anarchists of the future will have to be educated in the positive aspects of anarchism. The idea that could government and coercion be suddenly removed society would ‘instinctively’ adopt a libertarian pattern is at least a century out of date. In Northern Europe and North America instinct got lost in the smoke of the industrial revolution, and natural spontaneity is a lost cause. It is excellent in love-
As with positive anarchist ideas so with ethics, values and personal behaviour standards. These do not come out of thin air any more than anything else does. It is true that the lives of certain primitive tribes suggest that there is a natural standard of ethics and values but whether it would find a place in the complexity of an industrial society is dubious to say the least. In achieving a free society the standards and values of capitalism must be discarded. What is to replace them? May I suggest a simple all-