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imported>Ivanhoe |
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− | {{tab}}Our own ap­proach | + | {{tab}}Our own ap­proach would be quite dif­fer­ent. We want a citi­zen{{s|r}} plan for trans­port: an al­tern­at­ive to of­fi­cial pro­pos­als, to serve as a focus for in­formed pres­sure and agit­a­tion. We would like to see trans­port work­ers and trans­port users draw up their own na­tional plan, and then en­force it. The in­dis­pens­ible bodies of spe­cial know­ledge al­ready ex­ist in the form of the trans­port work­er{{s|r}} unions and trans­port users as­so­ci­a­tions. Now, when every­body has some inter­est in the sub­ject either be­cause of their own actual trans­port prob­lems or be­cause of the im­pact of the {{w|Beech­ing Re­port|Beeching_cuts}} and the {{w|Buchanan Report|Traffic_in_Towns}} (which has made every­one aware of the link be­tween {{w|town-<wbr>plan­ning|Urban_planning}} and {{w|trans­port plan­ning|Transportation_planning}}) is the time for trans­port users and trans­port work­ers to pre­pare their own local and na­tional plans. |
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+ | {{tab}}One aspect of a Citi­zen{{s|r}} Plan for Trans­port, is that sug­gested by [[Author:Robert Swann|Robert Swann]] in his article {{qq|[[Anarchy 41/Direct action and the urban environment|Direct Action and the Urban En­viron­ment]]}} in [[Anarchy 41|{{sc|anarchy}} 41]]: a cam­paign to {{qq|de­fend the city against ero­sion by auto­mobiles}}. Swann en­vis­ages citi­zen action of the civil dis­obedi­ence kind as the teeth of such a cam­paign. In this coun­try Pro­fes­sor {{w|Buchanan|Colin_Buchanan_(town_planner)}} him­self re­com­mended the same kind of thing last June, in his {{qq|Don{{t}} let traf­fic ruin your com­mun­it­ies}} speech. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}An­other ap­proach, in rural areas, is that of citi­zen self-<wbr>help. We have all dis­covered, while on holi­day in iso­lated places, that what ap­pears to be a dis­trict with­out a trans­port­a­tion sys­tem, has in fact a net­work of one-<wbr>man oper­at­ors or volun­tary bus ser­vices, which in a vari­ety of in­geni­ous ways ad­just their oper­a­tions to suit the pas­sen­ger{{s|r}} con­ven­ience, or com­bine the bus with goods de­liv­eries. (There is even a gov­ern­ment pamph­let ex­plain­ing the way to go about run­ning such a ser­vice{{dash}}''{{l|Village Bus|http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C1458331}},'' {{w|HMSO|Office_of_Public_Sector_Information}}, 1956). | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Again, we all know of aban­doned rail­ways which have been {{w|taken over|Heritage_railway#United_Kingdom}} by groups of en­thusi­asts and have achieved some fin­an­cial stabil­ity. The {{w|Blue­bell Line|Bluebell_Railway}} in {{w|Sussex}} is a fam­ous ex­ample. An­other is the {{w|Middle­ton line|Middleton_Railway}} at {{w|Leeds}} which makes a pro­fit on the freight it car­ries under the di­rec­tion of Dr. {{popup|R. F. Youell|Ronald Frederick “Fred” Youell, British mineralogist}} of {{w|Leeds Uni­vers­ity|University_of_Leeds}}. These {{p|306}}amateur ad­ven­tures may simply be the real-<wbr>life ver­sion of those old {{w|Ealing Stu­dios Comedies|Ealing_comedies}}, but they em­body several im­port­ant so­cial truths{{dash}}which a lei­sured so­ciety should not ignore. (See [[Author:Ian Nairn|Ian Nairn]]{{s}} article {{qq|[[Anarchy 23/Do it yourself|Do it Your­self]]}} in [[Anarchy 23|{{sc|anarchy}} 23]]). In a so­ciety in which the dis­tinc­tions be­tween work and play dimin­ish, many so­cially use­ful but {{qq|un­eco­nomic}} activ­ities can be moved from one sphere to an­other. And surely what can be done on a small scale by a bunch of amateurs can be done on a grand scale by pro­fes­sional trans­port work­ers. We want the dis­gruntled trans­port users and the dis­gruntled trans­port work­ers to join forces to this end. | ||
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− | {{tab}}One citi­zen{{s|r}} ini­tiat­ive | + | {{tab}}One citi­zen{{s|r}} ini­tiat­ive set off by the Beech­ing Re­port is em­bod­ied in the pamph­let ''{{l|Hamp­stead and the Broad Street Line|http://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/76dffc3e-d70f-4122-867e-d14db886a30d}},'' pub­lished by the Save the Broad Street Line Com­mit­tee, 62 Upper Park Road, London NW3. (3s. by post). Dr. Beech­ing pro­posed to close the {{w|Broad Street|Broad_Street_railway_station_(England)}} to {{w|Rich­mond|Richmond_station_(London)}} Line to pas­sen­gers, even though it car­ries 18,000 of them a day, on the grounds that the ser­vice loses money. A pub­lic meet­ing was held to pro­test about the pro­posed closure, and it set up a com­mit­tee which has pro­duced a re­port that not only de­mo­lishes Dr. Beech­ing{{s}} cal­cul­a­tions, but in­vest­igates in de­tail who ac­tually uses the line and what the cost of al­tern­at­ive means of trans­port would be. The so­cial cost ana­lysis set out in this re­port in­dic­ates that the actual cost to the com­mun­ity as a whole of clos­ing the line would be £578,000 a year, as op­posed to the claim by Dr. Beech­ing that Brit­ish Rail­ways lose £69,000 a year on run­ning the pas­sen­ger ser­vice. The de­tail and im­pec­cable stat­ist­ical ana­lysis which this group of citi­zens has as­sem­bled will cer­tainly make it con­sider­ably more dif­fic­ult to close the line. |
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− | {{tab}}Sim­ilar citi­zen{{s|r}} groups | + | {{tab}}Sim­ilar citi­zen{{s|r}} groups have been formed to {{qq|im­ple­ment}} the Buchanan Re­port{{dash}}in the sense of ap­ply­ing Buchanan{{s}} ap­proach to local prob­lems. This is an up­hill task, as this letter from Mr. Robert Timms demon­strates: |
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+ | {{tab}}{{qq|I am a mem­ber of {{w|Brom­ley|Bromley}} Design Group, a volun­tary group of archi­tects, sur­vey­ors, art teach­ers and like-<wbr>minded people. We dis­agree with our local {{w|coun­cil|Municipal_Borough_of_Bromley}}{{s}} 32-<wbr>year-<wbr>old plan, just about to reach fru­ition, for widen­ing the bottle­neck {{w|High Street|High_Street}} shop­ping centre to speed the flow of traf­fic through the town. We pre­pared a study of the town centre, com­plete with a scale model of an al­tern­at­ive scheme, maps and sketches. Our al­tern­at­ive to the pres­ent plan of widen­ing the shop­ping street, with off­shoot traf­fic di­ver­sions down resid­en­tial roads, was to turn the {{q|bottle­neck}}<!-- double quotation marks in original --> into a pedes­trian pre­cinct, opened on one side to a pub­lic gar­den at pres­ent ac­ces­sible only by a path be­tween the pub­lic lav­at­ory and the lib­rary fire escape. In mid-<wbr>April we ex­hibited our scheme, com­plete with a per­fectly feas­ible and com­para­tively in­ex­pens­ive {{w|ring road|Ring_road}}. After an in­ter­val for di­ges­tion, the local {{w|Cham­ber of Com­merce|Chamber_of_commerce}} pub­licly ap­plauded it as super­ior to the coun­cil scheme. The coun­cil has yet to reply to the Cham­ber of Com­merce {{p|307}}re­quest for con­sider­a­tion of the study. Buchanan re­mains where he was{{dash}}off the ground on a ped­estal out of reach.}} | ||
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+ | {{tab}}What Mr. Timms calls the {{qq|insur­mount­able ob­stacle of local au­thor­ity {{w|phil­istin­ism|Philistinism}}}} and its equi­val­ent in other pub­lic au­thor­it­ies, are likely to be the brick wall that most citi­zen action groups will find them­selves up against. What they can do about it. Well, the only al­tern­atives are to give up, or to in­crease the pres­sure. A hand­ful of really de­term­ined people who don{{t}} in­tend to give up, can achieve what other­wise seems im­pos­sible. | ||
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− | {{tab}}An example of this | + | {{tab}}An example of this comes from an­other field of trans­port, the {{w|canal|Canal}} system. In sharp con­trast with other coun­tries where large-<wbr>scale con­struc­tion of canals is being under­taken today, canal-<wbr>build­ing in this coun­try, apart from the {{w|Man­chester Ship Canal|Manchester_Ship_Canal}}, ceased in 1850. Canals are by far the cheap­est, safest and quiet­est means of regular heavy freight traf­fic. (Even our neg­lec­ted canals in this coun­try carry over 4,000,000 tons of coal, 2,500,000 tons of petro­leum pro­ducts and more than 3,000,000 tons of gen­eral merchan­dise annu­ally. Mr. {{w|Marples|Ernest_Marples}}, need­less to say, would like to fill them up and forget about them. But other people, not­ably the re­doubt­able {{w|Robert Aickman|Robert_Aickman}}, of the {{w|In­land Water­ways Asso­ci­a­tion|Inland_Waterways_Association}}, think dif­fer­ently, and the ex­ample we have in mind is the {{w|Strat­ford Canal|Stratford-upon-Avon_Canal}} re­stored to use thanks to a {{w|Mid­lands|The_Midlands}} archi­tect {{l|{{popup|David Hutch­ings|(1927‒2005)}}|https://www.birminghampost.co.uk/news/local-news/waterways-pioneer-hutchings-dies-aged-3997997}}. |
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+ | {{tab}}The {{w|Brit­ish Trans­port Com­mis­sion|British_Transport_Commission}} pro­posed to close this canal at an esti­mated cost of £125,000. After a cam­paign of pro­test in 1958, the {{w|Na­tional Trust|National_Trust_for_Places_of_Historic_Interest_or_Natural_Beauty}} took it over, and em­ployed Mr. Hutch­ings to bring it back into use, after 30 years of total neg­lect, for £50,000. Mr. Hutch­ings says, {{qq|When I was an archi­tect in {{w|Coven­try|Coventry}} I got in­volved in pre­serv­ing canals and so on. And when this came up the Na­tional Trust asked me to do it. We had no plans, no tools, no men, no money, no any­thing. Ever since, it{{s}} been a job of get­ting con­tacts, per­suad­ing them to help, scroun­ging equip­ment, making people give things they didn{{t}} want<!-- 'gant' in original --> to give, volun­teer when they didn{{t}} want to, and work far harder than they wanted to for much longer than they wanted.}} | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Mr. Hutch­ings talked his way into get­ting the {{w|army|British_Army}}, prison­ers from {{w|Bir­ming­ham prison|HM_Prison_Birmingham}}, and hun­dreds of volun­teers to work on the canal. It took three years and in­volved {{w|dred­ging|Dredging}} half a million tons of mud, re­build­ing 30 {{w|locks|Lock_(water_navigation)}}, re­pla­cing 70 lock gates weighing over four tons, and vir­tu­ally re­dig­ging more than half the canal bank. The 13 miles canal was re­opened this year, and, in­spired by this suc­cess, the Na­tional Trust is think­ing of re­stor­ing an­other 16-<wbr>mile canal. If this kind of force­ful energy, which never takes no for an answer were ap­plied to citi­zen in­ter­ven­tion in other aspects of the trans­port sys­tem, who knows what might not be achieved. As Colin Buchanan says, {{qq|It is not a traf­fic prob­lem we are faced with, as much as a so­cial situ­a­tion.}} | ||
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Latest revision as of 17:32, 29 December 2018
Transport: the scope
for citizen action
Ministries, nationalised industries, local authorities large and small are working away with long-
1. When British European Airways makes a loss on its services, the government decides that the services are to be kept going and the empty seats filled by reducing the fares. When British Railways makes a loss on its services, trains with empty seats are discontinued, and fares on those remaining are increased.
2. Among the stations closed on September 6th this year was Castlethorpe, Bucks, on the main Euston-Crewe line, where villagers sat down in front of the last train in protest. More than £40,000 had recently been spent on modernising their station.
3. At Stranraer in the west of Scotland, where the government is subsidising new industrial enterprise, British Railways recently put into service a new 3,500 ton ship, specially designed for the Stranraer-Larne ferry. But in Dr. Beeching’s plan, Stranraer will not only lose all its special express boat trains from London, Newcastle and Glasgow, but it will actually become almost 60 miles distant from the nearest passenger-
4. The London Traffic Management Unit of the Ministry of Transport is attempting to alleviate traffic problems in London by introducing large-
5. Battersea Council has had to abandon a major part of its housing programme, because of proposals for a six-
What is the remedy for absurdities of this kind? The Labour Party (which can hardly blame “the jungle of private enterprise” since it is public bodies which are involved in each of these instances) proposes yet another government department to co-
Our own approach would be quite different. We want a citizens’ plan for transport: an alternative to official proposals, to serve as a focus for informed pressure and agitation. We would like to see transport workers and transport users draw up their own national plan, and then enforce it. The indispensible bodies of special knowledge already exist in the form of the transport workers’ unions and transport users associations. Now, when everybody has some interest in the subject either because of their own actual transport problems or because of the impact of the Beeching Report and the Buchanan Report (which has made everyone aware of the link between <span data-html="true" class="plainlinks" title="Wikipedia: town-
One aspect of a Citizens’ Plan for Transport, is that suggested by Robert Swann in his article “Direct Action and the Urban Environment” in anarchy 41: a campaign to “defend the city against erosion by automobiles”. Swann envisages citizen action of the civil disobedience kind as the teeth of such a campaign. In this country Professor Buchanan himself recommended the same kind of thing last June, in his “Don’t let traffic ruin your communities” speech.
Another approach, in rural areas, is that of citizen self-
One citizens’ initiative set off by the Beeching Report is embodied in the pamphlet Hampstead and the Broad Street Line, published by the Save the Broad Street Line Committee, 62 Upper Park Road, London NW3. (3s. by post). Dr. Beeching proposed to close the Broad Street to Richmond Line to passengers, even though it carries 18,000 of them a day, on the grounds that the service loses money. A public meeting was held to protest about the proposed closure, and it set up a committee which has produced a report that not only demolishes Dr. Beeching’s calculations, but investigates in detail who actually uses the line and what the cost of alternative means of transport would be. The social cost analysis set out in this report indicates that the actual cost to the community as a whole of closing the line would be £578,000 a year, as opposed to the claim by Dr. Beeching that British Railways lose £69,000 a year on running the passenger service. The detail and impeccable statistical analysis which this group of citizens has assembled will certainly make it considerably more difficult to close the line.
Similar citizens’ groups have been formed to “implement” the Buchanan Report—
What Mr. Timms calls the “insurmountable obstacle of local authority philistinism” and its equivalent in other public authorities, are likely to be the brick wall that most citizen action groups will find themselves up against. What they can do about it. Well, the only alternatives are to give up, or to increase the pressure. A handful of really determined people who don’t intend to give up, can achieve what otherwise seems impossible.
An example of this comes from another field of transport, the canal system. In sharp contrast with other countries where large-
The British Transport Commission proposed to close this canal at an estimated cost of £125,000. After a campaign of protest in 1958, the National Trust took it over, and employed Mr. Hutchings to bring it back into use, after 30 years of total neglect, for £50,000. Mr. Hutchings says, “When I was an architect in Coventry I got involved in preserving canals and so on. And when this came up the National Trust asked me to do it. We had no plans, no tools, no men, no money, no anything. Ever since, it’s been a job of getting contacts, persuading them to help, scrounging equipment, making people give things they didn’t want to give, volunteer when they didn’t want to, and work far harder than they wanted to for much longer than they wanted.”
Mr. Hutchings talked his way into getting the army, prisoners from Birmingham prison, and hundreds of volunteers to work on the canal. It took three years and involved dredging half a million tons of mud, rebuilding 30 locks, replacing 70 lock gates weighing over four tons, and virtually redigging more than half the canal bank. The 13 miles canal was reopened this year, and, inspired by this success, the National Trust is thinking of restoring another 16-