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imported>Ivanhoe (Created page with "{{header | title = ANARCHY 66 (Vol 6 No 8) AUGUST 1966<br>Observations on Anarchy 63 | author = | override_author = John Papworth...") |
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{{tab}}This dis­tinc­tion is not only un­real, it is un­im­port­ant, and has the un­fortun­ate con­se­quence of ob­scur­ing the ma­jor dis­tinc­tion that the Indus­trial Re­volu­tion has helped to create. This is not simply the greater size of the so­cial unit (to which Francis Elling­ham re­fers), but the greater ''scale'' of organ­isa­tion. All {{w|pre-<wbr>indus­trial so­ciet­ies|Pre-industrial_society}} had this much in com­mon, they were small-<wbr>scale and dom­in­ated by the na­ture of the rela­tion­ships of their mem­bers. They were human-<wbr>scale com­mun­it­ies. Even the {{w|Roman Empire|Roman_Empire}} was, per­force, a large num­ber of human-<wbr>scale com­mun­it­ies linked by a com­mon rule and legal sys­tem. The reason for this em­phasis on a human-<wbr>scale was simple. In the ab­sence of mech­an­ical trans­port a com­mun­ity was re­stric­ted largely to the cap­a­city of its mem­bers to reach most parts of it with a fair degree of facil­ity on foot. A sec­ond­ary factor was the very large degree of econ­omic self-<wbr>suf­fi­ciency that was prac­tised. | {{tab}}This dis­tinc­tion is not only un­real, it is un­im­port­ant, and has the un­fortun­ate con­se­quence of ob­scur­ing the ma­jor dis­tinc­tion that the Indus­trial Re­volu­tion has helped to create. This is not simply the greater size of the so­cial unit (to which Francis Elling­ham re­fers), but the greater ''scale'' of organ­isa­tion. All {{w|pre-<wbr>indus­trial so­ciet­ies|Pre-industrial_society}} had this much in com­mon, they were small-<wbr>scale and dom­in­ated by the na­ture of the rela­tion­ships of their mem­bers. They were human-<wbr>scale com­mun­it­ies. Even the {{w|Roman Empire|Roman_Empire}} was, per­force, a large num­ber of human-<wbr>scale com­mun­it­ies linked by a com­mon rule and legal sys­tem. The reason for this em­phasis on a human-<wbr>scale was simple. In the ab­sence of mech­an­ical trans­port a com­mun­ity was re­stric­ted largely to the cap­a­city of its mem­bers to reach most parts of it with a fair degree of facil­ity on foot. A sec­ond­ary factor was the very large degree of econ­omic self-<wbr>suf­fi­ciency that was prac­tised. | ||
− | {{tab}}After the Indus­trial Re­volu­tion the scale on which all oper­a­tions of trade and gov­ern­ment were con­duc­ted grew to enor­mous pro­por­tions. The change was not only quant­it­at­ive, it was qual­it­at­ive too, for these oper­a­tions ceased to be human-<wbr>scale they be­came machine-<wbr>scale. Armed with the new powers of machines and machine meth­ods of organ­isa­tion and ad­min­ist­ra­tion the forces oper­at­ing here no longer do battle against the forces of free­dom with­in the so­cial order, that stage is long past. To­day they are de­term­in­ing the very na­ture of the so­cial order. This is why, de­spite the spread of ballot-<wbr>box-< | + | {{tab}}After the Indus­trial Re­volu­tion the scale on which all oper­a­tions of trade and gov­ern­ment were con­duc­ted grew to enor­mous pro­por­tions. The change was not only quant­it­at­ive, it was qual­it­at­ive too, for these oper­a­tions ceased to be human-<wbr>scale they be­came machine-<wbr>scale. Armed with the new powers of machines and machine meth­ods of organ­isa­tion and ad­min­ist­ra­tion the forces oper­at­ing here no longer do battle against the forces of free­dom with­in the so­cial order, that stage is long past. To­day they are de­term­in­ing the very na­ture of the so­cial order. This is why, de­spite the spread of ballot-<wbr>box-<wbr>monger­ing, there is less free­dom in our so­ci­eties today than there was 100, or even 200, years ago. |
{{tab}}This is the ma­jor con­se­quence of the growth of machine-<wbr>scale so­ci­eties and it seems clear that even if these so­ci­eties do not suc­ceed in de­stroy­ing us al­to­gether with the new ways of war that they have pro­duced, they will achieve an even more dis­ast­rous di­min­u­tion of free­dom over the next 100 years. | {{tab}}This is the ma­jor con­se­quence of the growth of machine-<wbr>scale so­ci­eties and it seems clear that even if these so­ci­eties do not suc­ceed in de­stroy­ing us al­to­gether with the new ways of war that they have pro­duced, they will achieve an even more dis­ast­rous di­min­u­tion of free­dom over the next 100 years. | ||
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+ | {{p|s2}}{{sc|It would re­quire a lin­guistic philo­sopher}} to ana­lyse ad­equately the seman­tic morass that ap­peared in [[Anarchy 63|{{sc|anarchy}} 63]]. How­ever, as my at­tempt to clear away some of the minor mis­con­cep­tions that linger in anar­chist theory has ap­par­ently re­sulted in a mis­under­stand­ing so pro­found as to make one despair of words as a means of com­mun­ica­tion, I would like to at­tempt to clear up some of the more obvi­ous mis­under­stand­ings, and cor­rect a couple of the more glar­ing mis­repre­sent­a­tions, in Mr. [[Author:Francis Ellingham|Elling­ham]]{{s}} [[Anarchy 63/Anarchism, society and the socialised mind|polemic]]. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}A great deal of the con­fu­sion in Mr. Elling­ham{{s}} mind seems to stem from his use of the con­cept {{qq|so­ciety}}. Now I grant that to some ex­tent so­ciety is an ana­lytical ab­strac­tion, and be­cause of this any given de­fin­i­tion is valid only to the ex­tent that it is ad­equate for the task in­volved. Never­the­less with­in the con­text of so­cial theory most peopple have some idea of so­ciety as a sys­tem of so­cial inter­ac­tion that re­cruited its mem­bers prim­ar­ily by sex­ual re­pro­duc­tion. In writ­ing ''[[Anarchy 58/Anarchism and stateless societies|Anar­chism and State­less So­ci­eties]]'' I used the word as a con­cept de­not­ing a group pos­sess­ing four ma­jor char­acter­ist­ics: (a) de­fin­ite ter­ri­tory; (b) sex­ual re­pro­duc­tion; (c) com­pre­hens­ive cul­ture; (d) in­de­pend­ence. Thus when I said that with­out so­ciety the human animal can­not de­velop into a human being I was say­ing that the new­born infant must part­i­cip­ate in an on-<wbr>going sys­tem of so­cial inter­ac­tion and that this sys­tem so­cial­ises the infant in terms of its cul­ture. In this re­spect then Mr. Elling­ham{{s}} mind is as {{qq|so­cial­ised}} as mine and {{p|249}}his use of the word as a pejor­at­ive<!-- 'perjorative' in original --> ad­ject­ive is tot­ally mean­ing­less in terms of the essay he is at­tack­ing. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Cul­ture I took as {{qq|that com­plex whole which in­cludes the know­ledge, be­lief, art, morals, law cus­tom and other cap­abil­it­ies ac­quired by man as a mem­ber of so­ciety}}. But again this defin­i­tion of {{w|Tylor|Edward_Burnett_Tylor}}{{s}} is an ab­strac­tion, as cul­ture and so­ciety are only separ­able ana­lytic­ally, they are in fact dif­fer­ent ways of look­ing at the same thing. Thus when Mr. Elling­ham ac­cuses me of re­gard­ing cul­ture and so­ciety as the same thing he is cor­rect, but for quite the wrong reasons; I was mak­ing an ana­lytical dis­tinc­tion but I was not claim­ing, as he ap­pears to be doing, that the two can be separ­ated em­pir­ic­ally. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Mr. Elling­ham{{s}} con­fu­sion here arises (rather oddly as he ac­cuses me of con­cep­tual slop­pi­ness and cir­cular argu­ment) be­cause he takes his own idio­syn­cratic defin­i­tion of so­ciety and by argu­ing back­wards in time at­tempts to apply ''his'' con­cep­tu­al­isa­tion to ''my'' argu­ments, while ignor­ing my usage. Such method­o­log­ical errors even an agrar­ian utopian like Mr. Elling­ham should avoid, as they lead him to make such highly ris­ible state­ments as {{qq|Before the Indus­trial Re­volu­tion what we call so­ciety did not exist. …}} With­in my own usage of the term, what Mr. Elling­ham calls a ''milieu,'' or ''com­mun­ity,'' are both so­ci­eties and, in the same con­text, the phrase ''anar­chist so­ciety'' is no more a con­tra­dic­tion in terms than is the phrase ''na­tion-<wbr>state'' when dis­cuss­ing mod­ern forms of polit­ical organ­isa­tion in an indus­trial mass so­ciety. In fact Mr. Elling­ham ap­pears to use the term so­ciety for the con­cept that {{w|C. Wright Mills|C._Wright_Mills}} termed {{qq|mass so­ciety}}. But this is only a ''type'' of so­ciety, or more ac­cur­ately, the cul­tural aspect of a type of so­ciety; it is no more the only type of so­ciety than the state is the only polit­ical form in human his­tory. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Mr. Elling­ham also makes a rather odd use, or at least a use that bears no dis­cern­ible rela­tion­ship to mine, of the terms {{qq|so­cial}} and {{qq|so­ci­ate}}. Any group of people inter­act­ing are in­volved in so­cial rela­tion­ships and the term {{qq|non-<wbr>so­cial ''milieu''}} in­so­far as it is used to de­scribe a human group, as Elling­ham does, is liter­ally non-<wbr>sense. By so­ci­ate I meant (it is dif­fi­cult to dis­cern what Elling­ham in­ferred from the term), hav­ing some degree of under­stand­ing of so­cial pro­cesses. It seems to me log­ical that human beings should have some know­ledge of so­cial pro­cesses and in­sti­tu­tions if they are at­tempt­ing to alter or abol­ish them, just as we ex­pect a sur­geon to have a know­ledge of bio­logy and ana­tomy. So­cial in­sti­tu­tions are so­cial facts and re­quire so­cial know­ledge if they are to be al­tered in any de­sired di­rec­tion. Other­wise the re­sult is likely to be as dis­ast­rous as the vari­ous at­tempts to in­sti­tute the mil­len­nium<!-- 'millenium' in original --> by re­volu­tion and in­sur­rec­tion have been. The pur­pose of my essay was, in its minor way, di­rected towards that very end, in that I was at­tempt­ing to re­fute the idea that the abol­i­tion of the state could, on its own, bring about any kind of anar­chist utopia. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}It is at this point that the {{w|solip­sistic|Solipsism}} Mr. Elling­ham tot­ally mis­repre­sents my argu­ment{{dash}}when he at­trib­utes to me the state­ment that anar­chism is {{qq|simply in­ad­equate}}. A slightly more care­ful per­usal of the text would have shown him that what I actu­ally said was that {{p|250}}a par­tic­u­lar anar­chist postul­ate, that the state was the prime reason for di­vi­sions in so­ciety and the main source of its in­equal­it­ies (a per­fectly reason­ably theory at a cer­tain point in the de­velop­ment of human know­ledge) could no longer be re­garded as valid in the light of our know­ledge of the state­less so­cieties that had also per­petu­ated these di­vi­sions. (Another ad­vant­age of being {{qq|so­ci­ate}} as I used the term, is that we then avoid wast­ing our time bark­ing up the wrong tree.) | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Fin­ally, I would argue that mere state­less­ness can­not be the anar­chist goal, if only for the reasons stated above. I cer­tainly do not con­ceive of anar­chism as {{qq|es­sen­tially only a doc­trine which re­jects the state}}. Anar­chism is a re­jec­tion of the au­thor­ity prin­ciple in human rela­tion­ships and this sub­sumes the abol­i­tion of the state among many other fac­tors. The de­velop­ment of a freely co-<wbr>oper­at­ive so­ciety will take a great deal of time, if only be­cause for the ma­jor­ity of human beings the so­cial­isa­tion pro­cess in­volves an ac­cept­ance of the au­thor­ity prin­ciple, but given the right so­cial en­viron­ment it would just as easily in­volve its re­jec­tion. And we stand much more chance of achiev­ing such an en­viron­ment, in which the in­di­vidual could live anar­chist­ic­ally and hap­pily by an under­stand­ing of so­cial action than by mak­ing the blind leap into a mystic reli­gi­os­ity (by {{w|Hobbes|Thomas_Hobbes}} out of {{w|Gautama Buddha|Gautama_Buddha}}) that Mr. Elling­ham makes towards the end of his article. | ||
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+ | {{sig|{{w|London}}|{{sc|[[Author:John Pilgrim|john pilgrim]]}}{{tab}}}} | ||
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+ | {{p|s3}}{{sc|Most of [[Author:Francis Ellingham|francis elling­ham]]{{s}} criti­cisms}} of [[Author:John Pilgrim|John Pilgrim]] and [[Author:Ian Vine|Ian Vine]] spring from a mis­in­ter­pret­a­tion of their {{sc|anarchy}} articles, that old bug­bear{{dash}}seman­tic con­fu­sion. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Ac­cord­ing to F.E., both J.P. and I.V. are {{qq|so-<wbr>called anar­chists}} be­cause they rate some­thing higher than the in­di­vidual, namely some con­cept of so­ci­ety into which the in­di­vidual must fit or else. Now, there are anar­chists ({{qq|anar­chists}} if you pre­fer it) who seem es­pe­cially con­cerned with some­thing called {{qq|so­ci­ety}}, to which in­di­viduals have {{qq|duties}} and which must al­ways be the first con­sider­a­tion. Sim­il­arly there are anar­chists (I used to be one) who set up blue­prints for anar­chy and be­lieve that other people {{qq|should}} work towards them and mould them­selves (or be moulded) into the kind of per­son that would make the dream so­ci­eties work. Ex­amples are ex­treme pacif­ists, anar­cho-<wbr>syn­dic­al­ists, techno­logy wor­ship­pers (there {{sc|will}} be auto­ma­tion, com­rades) and ex­treme simple-<wbr>lifers, a posi­tion F.E. him­self once de­fended in {{w|{{sc|freedom}}|Freedom_(newspaper)}} al­though with sound argu­ments and not just emo­tional dogma­tism. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}How­ever, neither J.P. nor I.V., either in their {{sc|anarchy}} articles or else­where, show the kind of {{qq|so­cial­ised out­look}} that F.E. com­plains of al­though it would have been better if they had avoided the ambi­gu­ous word {{qq|so­ci­ety}} with its im­plica­tions of duties and obe­i­sance and used in­stead {{qq|milieu}}. In par­tic­u­lar, I don{{t}} re­gard I.V.{{s}} view that men­tally sick, viol­ent people should be re­strained (but not pun­ished or de­spised) in­com­pat­ible with anar­chism. I.V.{{s}} choice of words was per­haps a little un­fortun­ate but un­less F.E. be­lieves {{p|251}}murder­ers and rap­ists should be left to carry on, his use of {{qq|brute force}} and {{qq|sick­en­ing}} to de­scribe I.V.{{s}} views seems silly. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}F.E. also be­lieves that the con­fu­sion caused by talk­ing about {{qq|so­ci­eties}} and {{qq|states}} when de­fin­ing anar­chism could be avoided by using the de­fin­i­tion {{qq|the doc­trine that every human being would do well to be­come{{dash|one who neither gov­erns nor is gov­erned; and who is not gov­erned by him­self}}that is, by self­ish crav­ings, fears, etc.}} The de­fin­i­tion is ex­cel­lent as far as it goes but it doesn{{t}} avoid the con­fu­sion. Try using it to some­one who wants to learn about anar­chism and ten to one their first ques­tion will in­clude the words {{qq|state}} or {{qq|so­ci­ety}} thus the net re­sult of F.E.{{s}} de­fin­i­tion that avoids these words is to post­pone their use by about ten sec­onds. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Cer­tainly {{qq|spon­tane­ous}} be­ha­viour is anar­chist be­ha­viour (one sort any­way) and if enough people be­haved like that there would be anar­chy. But most people{{s}} spon­tane­ity has been warped by this crazy, au­thor­it­arian world. If the world has made one a non­entity or a com­pul­sive bingo player then spon­tane­ity for you is being a non­entity or play­ing bingo neither of which seem par­tic­u­larly anar­chistic to me. F.E. should tell us how people can break free of the ef­fects of up­bring­ing, en­viron­ment, etc., and be­come {{qq|fear­less}}, etc. So far as most people are at the mo­ment spon­tane­ity (other than spon­tane­ous con­form­ity) is not pos­sible, this is a sub­ject I hope to dis­cuss in a future {{sc|anarchy}}. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}It is also true that whether anar­chy will bring auto­ma­tion or simple life is idle con­jec­ture. I feel in­tu­it­ively, how­ever, that auto­ma­tion and anar­chy don{{t}} mix and that as the world has set its sights on auto­ma­tion anar­chism in the fu­ture will be largely con­cerned with keep­ing out of the way of the auto­ma­tion state. | ||
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+ | {{sig|{{w|London}}|{{sc|[[Author:Jeff Robinson|jeff robinson]]}}{{tab}}}} | ||
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+ | {{p|s4}}{{sc|I have just got round to read­ing}} [[Author:Francis Ellingham|Francis Elling­ham]] in [[Anarchy 63|{{sc|anarchy}} 63]]. How a writer of his abil­ity can really be­lieve such crazy non­sense is in­com­pre­hens­ible. As for {{w|Aris­totle|Aristotle}}, does it really matter whether or not he con­sid­ered man to be a so­cial animal? More apt surely is {{w|Bakunin|Mikhail_Bakunin}}{{s}} view of man as {{qq|not an iso­lated in­di­vidual but a so­cial being}}. And again, {{qq|The in­di­vidual is a pro­duct of So­ci­ety. Without So­ci­ety, man is no­thing. All pro­duct­ive labour is, before all, so­cial labour, pro­duc­tion only being pos­sible by the com­bin­a­tion of the labour of past and pres­ent gen­er­a­tions; there has never been any labour which could be called in­di­vidual labour}}. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}The fal­lacy of spuri­ous in­di­vidu­al­ism is even more obvi­ous to­day than it would have been to Bakunin. Can we ima­gine Elling­ham{{s}} ''milieu'' oper­at­ing trans­con­tin­ental rail­ways, ocean liners or air­ways; or for that matter, the every­day pro­duc­tion of the neces­sit­ies of life. Why waste time (and space in {{sc|anarchy}}) on such fantasy? I am aware that F.E. does not ap­prove of techno­logy and auto­ma­tion. I am sure that he would re­ject the neces­sity of air travel with scorn. But does he really think the time will come when these things will be no more? If so, his only hope is a tiny com­mun­ity on an un­not­iced islet. His theor­ies have no relev­ance to real­it­ies. To quote Bakunin again, {{qq|The con­cept of man as an iso­lated in­di­vidual is a meta­phys­ical and theo­logical con­cept}}. In­di­vidual­ists have no part in life to­day, if in­deed they ever had. Their place is with the reli­gious and mys­tical bodies with which they are re­lated, to put into prac­tice (if they can) the in­di­vidual sal­va­tion they pro­fess. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}The true ex­pres­sion of the in­di­vidual can only be when the con­flict of eco­nomic inter­est, em­bodied in and es­sen­tial to, the priv­ate owner­ship of the means of pro­ducing wealth is ended and com­mon and so­cial owner­ship with ident­ity of inter­est sub­sti­tuted. That this neces­sit­ates so­cial organ­isa­tion is un­doubted. This does not mean {{qq|one opin­ion}} though as F.E. fears. On the con­trary, the ener­gies and mind would really be freed and the in­di­vidual be­come sov­ereign as a re­sult of being free eco­nom­ic­ally. This is the way to the true in­di­vidu­al­ism which can be at­tained by no other means. Nor is there any sub­stance in the total­it­ar­ian ob­jec­tion. Gov­ern­ments exist for one pur­pose and one pur­pose only, the pro­tec­tion of priv­ate pro­perty. This is so even when the seem­ingly ben­evol­ent and {{qq|Wel­fare State}} legis­la­tion in en­acted, the neces­sary brake on the worst ex­cesses of priv­ate owner­ship. With the pass­ing of Au­thor­ity which would have no place in a free com­mun­ity, there could be no re­stric­tion on lib­erty, Ian Vine not­with­stand­ing. Un­so­cial acts are the di­rect re­sult of un­so­cial con­di­tions. There is no cure for such acts under priv­ate owner­ship, as centur­ies of legal op­pres­sion have proved. Nor would Elling­ham{{s}} ideas be more ef­fect­ive (if they could be put into prac­tice) since they have no ma­terial basis. Like {{w|Inger­soll|Robert_G._Ingersoll}} on the Heavenly Father, the anar­chism and ideals of the In­di­vidu­al­ists are {{w|the base­less shadow of a wist­ful human dream}}. | ||
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+ | {{sig|{{w|Wold­ing­ham|Woldingham}}|[[Author:F.B.|{{sc|f.b.}}]]}} | ||
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+ | {{p|s5}}{{sc|[[Author:Francis Ellingham|Francis elling­ham]] quotes out of con­text}} a state­ment from [[Author:John Pilgrim|John Pilgrim]]{{dash|by no means ori­ginal to John}}(in­deed al­most axiom­atic to most people), de­duces some­thing from this which does not follow, uses some­thing like a {{w|Stalin­ist|Stalinism}} amal­gam to saddle John and those who agree with him with the pro-<wbr>prison views of [[Author:Ian Vine|Ian Vine]], chides John for some­one else{{s}} mis­trans­la­tion from the Greek{{dash}}which in fact was not a mis­trans­la­tion, though Elling­ham re­peats an­other com­mon mis­trans­la­tion later; and bases an article on this fal­lacy. If this were the best that in­di­vidu­al­ists could do, even my low opin­ion of them would sink. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}With­out so­ci­ety the human animal can­not de­velop into a human being. This does not, to any­one with any know­ledge of logic, neces­sar­ily mean that all forms of so­ci­ety are con­du­cive to such de­vel­op­ment, and Elling­ham if he has read John{{s}} articles or those of any other {{qq|so­cial­ised}}-<wbr>think­ing anar­chists as he terms us, knows per­fectly well that it is the con­ten­tion of anar­chist-<wbr>com­mun­ist re­volu­tion­ar­ies, as of grad­u­al­ists like John, that all au­thor­it­ar­ian­ism in so­ci­ety in­evit­ably cor­rupts human de­velop­ment. A short refer­ence to [[Author:Peter Kropotkin|Kropot­kin]] or {{w|Malin­ow­ski|Bronisław_Malinowski}} would, in­cid­ent­ally, have given ob­served evid­ence for the axiom{{dash}}more im­port­ant to anar­chists than Aris­totle. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}In point of fact, since I came into the anar­chist move­ment I have {{p|253}}met some half-<wbr>dozen anar­chists who are not in­sist­ent on the need to abol­ish prisons, one would have called her­self an anar­chist com­mun­ist, I doubt if Ian Vine would do so, and four were defin­itely in­di­vidu­al­ist anar­chists, as of course was {{w|Ben­jamin Tucker|Benjamin_Tucker}}, who was pre­pared to re­tain hang­ing. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}The {{w|Greek|Ancient_Greek}} word {{l|''politikon''|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%80%CE%BF%CE%BB%CE%B9%CF%84%CE%B9%CE%BA%CF%8C%CE%BD}} which, as Elling­ham so rightly says, we must not as­sume is ident­ical with our polit­ics, is in fact the art of living in a {{w|polis|Polis}}. (A {{l|''polis''|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%80%CF%8C%CE%BB%CE%B9%CF%82}}{{dash|a city}}being in {{w|Greek times|Ancient_Greece}} hardly larger than a mod­ern vil­lage, or, if a mega­polis, a {{w|market town|Market_town}}.) Since neither the word urb­an­ity, nor the word civil­ised (both with sim­ilar deriv­a­tions), gives the mean­ing, while the word polit­ics as we under­stand it is tot­ally un­re­lated, it is per­fectly ac­cur­ate as a trans­la­tion to render the word as so­cial or so­ci­ate. I know of no other trans­la­tion giv­ing a com­par­ably fair render­ing of the term. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}While we are on the sub­ject, {{l|''anarkhia''|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E1%BC%80%CE%BD%CE%B1%CF%81%CF%87%CE%AF%CE%B1}} did not mean ab­sence of gov­ern­ment, it meant a so­ci­ety or state which gov­erned it­self with­out {{w|''archons''|Eponymous_archon}}, who were a curi­ous sort of elec­ted priest-<wbr>king; and it would not have been thought in­con­gru­ous for a Greek to say of a city that it was ''anarkhia'' and that it had a {{l|''tyrannois''|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CF%84%CF%85%CF%81%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%B9%CF%82}}, a self-<wbr>made king. I did once come across a Greek term for the {{l|ab­sence of gov­ern­ment|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%B1%CE%BA%CF%85%CE%B2%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%BD%CE%B7%CF%83%CE%AF%CE%B1#Greek}}, but un­fortun­ately forgot it, {{l|''Akephalous''|https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%CE%B1%CE%BA%CE%AD%CF%86%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%BF%CF%82}} (with­out<!-- 'with' in original --> head) is about as near as one can get. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}Incid­ent­ally a state­less but also tot­al­it­ar­ian so­ci­ety, be­sides being a con­tra­dic­tion in terms is not a {{w|Marx­ist|Marxism}} ideal, any more than it is anar­chist. {{w|Marx|Karl_Marx}} be­lieved that to reach the state­less so­ci­ety one had first to pass through the tot­al­it­ar­ian, but no­where did he, or even {{w|Lenin|Vladimir_Lenin}}, sug­gest that the two might co-<wbr>exist. | ||
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+ | {{tab}}There are several dozen other in­ac­cur­acies or errors of logic in Elling­ham{{s}} article, but I be­lieve this is a fair cross-<wbr>sec­tion and is ad­equate to de­mol­ish his argu­ment. | ||
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[[Category:Letters to the editor]] | [[Category:Letters to the editor]] |
Latest revision as of 17:59, 3 January 2019
This distinction is not only unreal, it is unimportant, and has the unfortunate consequence of obscuring the major distinction that the Industrial Revolution has helped to create. This is not simply the greater size of the social unit (to which Francis Ellingham refers), but the greater scale of organisation. All <span data-html="true" class="plainlinks" title="Wikipedia: pre-
After the Industrial Revolution the scale on which all operations of trade and government were conducted grew to enormous proportions. The change was not only quantitative, it was qualitative too, for these operations ceased to be human-
This is the major consequence of the growth of machine-
A shopkeeper or trader in a human-
It is our own age, and one that has the temerity to attach to itself the label of progress, that singles out for its acclaim and reward not its artists or philosophers, or even its statesmen, but its grocers, its pork butchers, its purveyors or soap and butter substitutes.
It is instructive that Francis Ellingham shares the defect of much anarchist literature in refusing to grapple seriously with the problem of economic organisation. This is curious, for even Marx was merely acknowledging the obvious when he insisted on the key role of economics as a determinant social force. (He was surely wrong to insist it is the dominant social force, but that is another story.)
At one point Francis Ellingham declares that prior to the Industrial Revolution the state played no direct part in economic affairs. This is surely a slip of the pen, or has he ever consulted any of the standard texts on the history of the English wool trade, and the efforts of the state to regulate it in minutest detail? Has he never heard of the Tudor “Statute of Apprentices” and the numerous attempts made under the first Elizabeth, to go no further back, to regulate wages and prices? What does he suppose the Luddites were fighting for if not to retain these elements of economic paternalism in face of the powers of the new machine forces?
Does he know nothing of the same monarch’s role in financing the trading-
This omission leads to a failure to recognise the basic cause of our current political dilemma. Owing to the vast scale of the forces employed it is now impossible for people at the base to control them, even if they should want to. A generation or so ago Robert Michels made the reason for this clear, although he omitted to spell out the mechanics of it. He pointed out that mass political parties (and it holds true of almost any mass organisation) have an inbuilt disposition towards oligarchic leadership. Anarchists, of course, start with this kind of assumption, but what are the mechanics?
As an organisation grows, decision-
Talk here of an “anarchist milieu” is hopelessly vague and impracticable, and certainly provides no kind of tangible alternative to which masses of bewildered and disillusioned people can turn.
Since the dominant aspect of our powerlessness is the sheer bigness of the scale of the forces confronting us, is it reasonable to suppose that the first requisite is small-
The commonest answer one is apt to receive to such a suggestion, is, “We can’t put the clock back”. One can only reply to this that if we can devise some form of social organisation which will reap the real benefits of technology without allowing machines and machine-
London | john papworth |
Culture I took as “that complex whole which includes the knowledge, belief, art, morals, law custom and other capabilities acquired by man as a member of society”. But again this definition of Tylor’s is an abstraction, as culture and society are only separable analytically, they are in fact different ways of looking at the same thing. Thus when Mr. Ellingham accuses me of regarding culture and society as the same thing he is correct, but for quite the wrong reasons; I was making an analytical distinction but I was not claiming, as he appears to be doing, that the two can be separated empirically.
Mr. Ellingham’s confusion here arises (rather oddly as he accuses me of conceptual sloppiness and circular argument) because he takes his own idiosyncratic definition of society and by arguing backwards in time attempts to apply his conceptualisation to my arguments, while ignoring my usage. Such methodological errors even an agrarian utopian like Mr. Ellingham should avoid, as they lead him to make such highly risible statements as “Before the Industrial Revolution what we call society did not exist. …” Within my own usage of the term, what Mr. Ellingham calls a milieu, or community, are both societies and, in the same context, the phrase anarchist society is no more a contradiction in terms than is the phrase nation-
Mr. Ellingham also makes a rather odd use, or at least a use that bears no discernible relationship to mine, of the terms “social” and “sociate”. Any group of people interacting are involved in social relationships and the term “non-
Finally, I would argue that mere statelessness cannot be the anarchist goal, if only for the reasons stated above. I certainly do not conceive of anarchism as “essentially only a doctrine which rejects the state”. Anarchism is a rejection of the authority principle in human relationships and this subsumes the abolition of the state among many other factors. The development of a freely co-
London | john pilgrim |
According to F.E., both J.P. and I.V. are “so-
F.E. also believes that the confusion caused by talking about “societies” and “states” when defining anarchism could be avoided by using the definition “the doctrine that every human being would do well to become—
Certainly “spontaneous” behaviour is anarchist behaviour (one sort anyway) and if enough people behaved like that there would be anarchy. But most people’s spontaneity has been warped by this crazy, authoritarian world. If the world has made one a nonentity or a compulsive bingo player then spontaneity for you is being a nonentity or playing bingo neither of which seem particularly anarchistic to me. F.E. should tell us how people can break free of the effects of upbringing, environment, etc., and become “fearless”, etc. So far as most people are at the moment spontaneity (other than spontaneous conformity) is not possible, this is a subject I hope to discuss in a future anarchy.
It is also true that whether anarchy will bring automation or simple life is idle conjecture. I feel intuitively, however, that automation and anarchy don’t mix and that as the world has set its sights on automation anarchism in the future will be largely concerned with keeping out of the way of the automation state.
London | jeff robinson |
The fallacy of spurious individualism is even more obvious today than it would have been to Bakunin. Can we imagine Ellingham’s milieu operating transcontinental railways, ocean liners or airways; or for that matter, the everyday production of the necessities of life. Why waste time (and space in anarchy) on such fantasy? I am aware that F.E. does not approve of technology and automation. I am sure that he would reject the necessity of air travel with scorn. But does he really think the time will come when these things will be no more? If so, his only hope is a tiny community on an unnoticed islet. His theories have no relevance to realities. To quote Bakunin again, “The concept of man as an isolated individual is a metaphysical and theological concept”. Individualists have no part in life today, if indeed they ever had. Their place is with the religious and mystical bodies with which they are related, to put into practice (if they can) the individual salvation they profess.
The true expression of the individual can only be when the conflict of economic interest, embodied in and essential to, the private ownership of the means of producing wealth is ended and common and social ownership with identity of interest substituted. That this necessitates social organisation is undoubted. This does not mean “one opinion” though as F.E. fears. On the contrary, the energies and mind would really be freed and the individual become sovereign as a result of being free economically. This is the way to the true individualism which can be attained by no other means. Nor is there any substance in the totalitarian objection. Governments exist for one purpose and one purpose only, the protection of private property. This is so even when the seemingly benevolent and “Welfare State” legislation in enacted, the necessary brake on the worst excesses of private ownership. With the passing of Authority which would have no place in a free community, there could be no restriction on liberty, Ian Vine notwithstanding. Unsocial acts are the direct result of unsocial conditions. There is no cure for such acts under private ownership, as centuries of legal oppression have proved. Nor would Ellingham’s ideas be more effective (if they could be put into practice) since they have no material basis. Like Ingersoll on the Heavenly Father, the anarchism and ideals of the Individualists are baseless shadow of a wistful human dream the baseless shadow of a wistful human dream.
Woldingham | f.b. |
Without society the human animal cannot develop into a human being. This does not, to anyone with any knowledge of logic, necessarily mean that all forms of society are conducive to such development, and Ellingham if he has read John’s articles or those of any other “socialised”-
The Greek word politikon which, as Ellingham so rightly says, we must not assume is identical with our politics, is in fact the art of living in a polis. (A polis—
While we are on the subject, anarkhia did not mean absence of government, it meant a society or state which governed itself without archons, who were a curious sort of elected priest-
Incidentally a stateless but also totalitarian society, besides being a contradiction in terms is not a Marxist ideal, any more than it is anarchist. Marx believed that to reach the stateless society one had first to pass through the totalitarian, but nowhere did he, or even Lenin, suggest that the two might co-
There are several dozen other inaccuracies or errors of logic in Ellingham’s article, but I believe this is a fair cross-
Oxon. | laurens otter |