Anarchy 81

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Contents of No. 81

November 1967

Anarchism in Russia Nicolas Walter 325
Marxism and the Russian Revolution Elizabeth Smith 340
Kronstadt diary Alexander Berkman 349
Cover by Rufus Segar  



This volume is a translation by Holley Cantine of the first part of Voline’s La Revolution Inconnue. It has outstanding historical merit as a study of the Russian Revolution by an anarchist participant.

266 pp., cloth
12s. 6d.



This second volume of Voline’s work chronicles what the author describes as the “struggles for the real social revolution”, that is, the uprising of the sailors and workers of Kronstadt in 1921, and the peasant movement in the Ukraine led by Nestor Makhno.

266 pp., cloth
12s. 6d.



This collection of extracts from the works of Michael Bakunin has been translated and edited, with a biographical essay, by K. J. Kenafick. The contents are largely taken from those writings of Bakunin on his controvery with Marx and belong to the years 1870-72, but there are also extracts from his Federalism, Socialism and Anti-Theologianism, written in 1867, on the nature and characteristics of the state, and on the connection between the state and religion.

It is almost a hundred years since these passages were written and the worship of the state has become a religion in a very large part of the globe, and we have seen in practice the fulfilment of Bakunin’s gloomy forebodings on the destination of Marxist socialism.

64 pp., paper
7s. 6d.

Freedom Press

Other issues of “Anarchy”:

Please note: Issues 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 20, 37, 38, 66 are out of print.

Vol. 1. 1961: 1. Sex-and-Violence; 2. Workers’ control; 3. What does anarchism mean today?; 4. Deinstitutionisation; 5. Spain; 6. Cinema; 7. Adventure playground; 8. Anthropology; 9. Prison; 10. Industrial decentralisation.

Vol. 2. 1962: 11. Paul Goodman, A. S. Neill; 12. Who are the anarchists?; 13. Direct action; 14. Disobedience; 15. David Wills; 16. Ethics of anarchism; 17. Lumpenproletariat; 18. Comprehensive schools; 19. Theatre; 20. Non-violence; 21. Secondary modern; 22. Marx and Bakunin.

Vol. 3. 1963: 23. Squatters; 24. Community of scholars; 25. Cybernetics; 26. Thoreau; 27. Youth; 28. Future of anarchism; 29. Spies for peace; 30. Community workshop; 31. Self-organising systems; 32. Crime; 33. Alex Comfort; 34. Science fiction.

Vol. 4. 1964: 35. Housing; 36. Police; 37. I won’t vote; 38. Nottingham; 39. Homer Lane; 40. Unions; 41. Land; 42. India; 43. Parents and teachers; 44. Transport; 45. The Greeks; 46. Anarchism and historians.

Vol. 5. 1965: 47. Freedom in work; 48. Lord of the flies; 49. Automation; 50. Anarchist outlook; 51. Blues, pop, folk; 52. Limits of pacifism; 53. After school; 54. Buber, Landauer, Muhsam; 55. Mutual aid; 56. Women; 57. Law; 58. Stateless societies.

Vol. 6. 1966: 59. White problem; 60. Drugs; 61. Creative vandalism; 62. Organisation; 63. Voluntary servitude; 64. Misspent youth; 65. Derevolutionisation; 66. Provo; 67. USA; 68. Class and anarchism; 69. Ecology; 70. Libertarian psychiatry.

Vol. 7. 1967: 71. Sociology of school; 72. Strike City, USA; 73. Street School; 74. Anarchism and reality; 75. Improvised drama; 76. 1984; 77. Anarchist group handbook; 78. Liberatory technology.

Subscribe to “Anarchy”:

Single copies 2s. (30c.). Annual subscription (12 issues) 26s. ($3.50). By airmail 47s. ($7.00). Joint annual subscription with freedom, the anarchist weekly (which readers of anarchy will find indispensable) 50s. ($7.50). Cheques, P.O.s and Money Orders should be made out to FREEDOM PRESS, 17a Maxwell Road, London, SW6, England. Tel: RENown 3736.

Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.