Anarchy 10

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Contents of No. 10

November 1961

Because he is a man Nicolas Walter 289
Notes of an accidental jailor Colin MacInnes 295
Fourier’s utopia—and mine Augustus John 298
Augustus John—an appreciation   308
Observations on anarchy 8 J. E. MacDonald
G. Gilfillan
Industrial decentralisation and workers’ control Colin Ward 309

Other issues of ANARCHY:

No. 1.  Alex Comfort on Sex-and-Violence, Nicolas Walter on the New Wave, and articles on education, opportunity, and Galbraith.

No. 2.  A symposium on Workers’ Control.

No. 3.  What does anarchism mean today?, and articles on Africa, the ‘Long Revolution’ and exceptional children.

No. 4.  George Molnar on conflicting strains in anarchism, Colin Ward on the breakdown of institutions.

No. 5.  A symposium on the Spanish Revolution of 1936.

No. 6.  Anarchy and Cinema: articles on Vigo, Buñuel and Flaherty. Two experimental film-makers discuss their work.

No. 7.  A symposium on Adventure Playgrounds.

No. 8.  Anarchists and Fabians, Kenneth Maddock on action anthropology, Reg Wright on erosion inside capitalism, Nicolas Walter on Orwell.

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