Anarchy 43/Primary courtesies
Primary courtesies
But some of us like to pay, quite a lot even, for being treated as an individual with feelings and possibly even ideas of our own.
With more and more compulsory education greater efforts must be made to make it as palatable as possible or else the fundamental aim of producing able and civilised individuals is defeated. A change in attitude towards the parents and children by the local Education Authorities is essential.
The Welfare Clinics seem to be able to combine courtesy and efficiency and achieve the co-
From L.C.C. School …“Dear Sir/Madam,
I am to inform you that if your child X is not attending school and there has been no infection or contageous illness in the home during the last three weeks he/she can be admitted to the above named school.”
“We are pleased to tell you that we have a vacancy for your child starting next term …”
and only then a sentence to the effect—
The emphasis, the spirit is so different.
Most Educational Authorities seem only to understand if you write to them in their own limited language. On the following point I myself have had experience in London only, but a friend in Norwich and one in Cambridge have found the same in their areas.
We all thought (quite independently) that for our five-
Our ideas as parents were of no interest to the heads of the schools. Only a doctor’s letter, that the child had started bed wetting again or something similar was understood and accepted as reasonable.
In the Middlesex area some schools make it very difficult for the parent to meet the teacher of the child without complicated appointments. The school has no telephone number available to the parents. Every call has to go through the Town Hall.
We have found in the private school an entirely different approach.
Any problem, please let us know at once—
I should point out that Parent Teacher Associations are not the answer. They can have interesting meetings and help in educating parents in the work of the schools. But my experience of this is that parents join together in a kind of minor plot to redress grievances. This Trade Union atmosphere is also wrong and no substitute for a direct and trusting contact between parents and the schools.
The state primary schools are still permeated with a critical approach towards the parents. In fact collection of dinner money, taking numbers in a class, medical inspections have an importance in the minds of the poor child quite out of proportion with actual importance.
The whole bureaucratic, slightly bullying, we-