Teaching Materials

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Part VI


Teaching Materials

  This sec­tion in­cludes ma­ter­ials rel­ev­ant to rad­ical teach­ing and re­search, and the study of left polit­ical ideas and organ­iz­a­tions. The sec­tion falls into three parts:

  I. An an­not­ated bib­li­o­graphy of rad­ical pro­fes­sional and gen­eral journ­als and news­let­ters ap­pear­ing in the Eng­lish lan­guage. To make this bib­li­o­graphy man­age­able, we have omit­ted pub­lic­a­tions whose main thrust is coun­ter­cul­tural rather than polit­ical, most single-issue news­let­ters, and stu­dent journ­als. This part of the bib­li­o­graphy is also di­vided ac­cord­ing to coun­try of pub­lic­a­tion (United States, Great Britain, other); and those works are further di­vided into those whose themes are mainly na­tional and the­or­et­ical and those whose themes are mainly foreign and in­ter­na­tional (Third World in the case of “other”).

  II. A list of left news­papers, news agen­cies, and journ­als that are mainly (but not ex­clus­ively) af­fil­i­ated with polit­ical organ­iz­a­tions. This list does not in­clude most single-issue news­papers, local rad­ical news­papers, trade-union news­papers, and papers/​journ­als of youth or sub­si­di­ary groups of the vari­ous polit­ical organ­iz­a­tions.

  III. An an­not­ated bib­li­o­graphy of teach­ing and re­search ma­ter­i­als and re­sources: books, pamph­lets, bib­li­o­graph­ies,
films, tapes, comics, games, songs, etc., and re­source organ­iz­a­tions in vari­ous areas. While there is some at­tempt to be com­pre­hens­ive (at least as re­gards the United States) in the areas covered in Sec­tions I and II, Sec­tion III of­fers—of ne­ces­sity—a rel­at­ively se­lect bib­li­o­graphy. Aside from ex­cep­tional items, only the most im­port­ant of the many hun­dreds of rad­ical groups which pro­duce such ma­ter­i­als has been listed.

  The fairly rapid turn­over of rad­ical pub­lic­a­tions, presses, and part­ies, and the fre­quent changes of ad­dress, may quickly date some of our in­form­a­tion. We would ap­pre­ci­ate it, there­fore, if read­ers who find this bib­li­o­graphy use­ful would help us keep it up to date by in­form­ing us as to needed cor­rec­tions and ad­di­tions. Fin­ally, quoted ma­ter­ial where it ap­pears is taken from the pub­lic­a­tion’s own ad­vert­ise­ments.


  A. United States

    1. Mainly na­tional and the­or­et­ical themes

Ad­voc­ate, 2121 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo, Ca., 94403. So­cial­ist gay lib.
Against the Wall, Box 444 West­field, N.J., 07091. Anarchist.
Aims News­letter, The Amer­ican In­sti­tute for Marx­ist Studies, 20 E. 30th St., New York, N.Y., 10016. Con­tains ex­tens­ive bib­li­o­graph­ies of cur­rent books, peri­od­ical lit­er­at­ure, and dis­ser­ta­tions on Marx­ism (broadly de­fined) and re­lated is­sues.
Akwesame Notes, Mohawk Na­tion, Via Roose­vel­town, N.Y., 13683. Some­times rad­ical Indian news and ana­lysis.
ALA/​SRRT News­let­ter, 60 Rem­sen St. (10E), Brook­lyn, N.Y., 11201. News­let­ter of the So­cial Re­spons­ib­il­ity Round Table. Rad­ical lib­rar­i­ans.
Al­tern­ate View News­let­ter, P.O. Box 70, Gracie Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10028. Pub­lic­a­tion of the Rad­ical Al­li­ance of So­cial Ser­vice Work­ers (RASSW).
Al­tern­at­ive Media, Box 775, Madi­son Square Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10010. Al­tern­at­ive and es­tab­lish­ment media cover­age of ma­jor is­sues.
Al­tern­at­ive Press Re­vue, Al­tern­at­ive Press Syn­dic­ate, P.O. Box 777, Cooper Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10003.
Al­tern­at­ives, Ober­lin Polit­ical Cau­cus, Box 32, Wilder Hall, Ober­lin, Ohio, 44074. “A forum for activ­ism in the ’70s.”
Al­tern­at­ives in Health Care, c/o Claire Doug­las, P.O. Box 56, Dead­wood, Ore­gon, 97430.
Anarcho-Femin­ist Notes, c/o Karen John­son, 1821-8th St., Des Moines, Iowa, 50314. Re­cently merged with Emma, an­other anarcho-femin­ist journal.
ANG Bul­letin, 1901 Q St., N.W., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20009. News­let­ter of the Al­li­ance for Neigh­bor­hood Gov­ern­ments.
Anti­pode: A Rad­ical Journal of Geo­graphy, P.O. Box 225, West Side Sta­tion, Worces­ter, Mass., 01602. Em­phasis on urban and cul­tural geo­graphy, polit­ical eco­nomy.
Ap­peal to Reason: A So­cial Demo­cratic Monthly, 1733 Madera, Berke­ley, Ca., 94707.
Arsenal/​Sur­real­ist Sub­ver­sion, c/o Frank­lin Rose­mont, 2257 N. Jan­sen Ave., Chicago, Ill., 60614.
As­so­ci­a­tion for Eco­nomic Demo­cracy News­let­ter, Box 802, Ithaca, N.Y., 14850. Self-man­age­ment.
Ben­jamin Rush So­ci­ety News­let­ter, P.O. Box 371, Plan­et­arium Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10024. Marx­ist news and ana­lysis of psy­cho­logy.
Berke­ley Journal of So­ci­ology, 410 Bar­rows Hall, Uni­ver­sity of Calif., Berke­ley, Ca., 94720. Rad­ical So­ci­ology.
Black Circles, Box 405, W. Somer­ville, Mass., 02144. Anar­chist.
The Black Scholar, P.O. Box 908, Saus­alito, Ca., 94965. Fre­quently rad­ical ma­ter­ial in the whole range of black stud­ies.
Black Star, Box 92246, Mil­waukee, Wis., 53202. Anar­chist.
Blind Justice, Na­tional Law­yers Guild, 853 Broad­way, New York, N.Y., 10003. Rad­ical law­yers.
Book­leg­ger, 555 29th St., San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94131. Rad­ical lib­rary journal.
Bul­letin of the In­sti­tute for Work­ers Con­trol, c/o Paul Booth, 817 W. George St., Chicago, Ill., 60657.
Cam­era Ob­scura, P.O. Box 4517, Berke­ley, Ca., 94704. So­cial­ist and fem­in­ist film the­ory.
Cata­lyst, In­sti­tute for So­cial Ser­vice Al­tern­at­ives, Dept. A, P.O. Box 1144, Cathed­ral Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10025. “A so­cial­ist journal of the so­cial ser­vices.”
Cath­olic Agit­ator, 605 N. Cum­mings St., Los Angeles, Ca., 90033. Rad­ical Cath­ol­ics.
Cata­loging Bul­letin, c/o San­ford Ber­man, Hen­nepin County Lib­rary, Edina, Minn., 55345. In­form­a­tion on so­cial change re­sources for lib­rar­ians.
Center for Rad­ical Stud­ies and Edu­ca­tion News­let­ter, Box 211, Teach­ers Col­lege, New York, N.Y., 10027.
Chil­dren’s Cul­tural News­let­ter of the Marx­ist Lit­er­ary Group, c/o Tom Moylan, Dept. of Eng­lish, Uni­ver­sity of Wis­con­sin-Wau­ke­sha, Wau­ke­sha, Wis., 53186.
Chutz­pah, P.O. Box 60142, Chicago, Ill., 60660. In­de­pend­ent Jewish so­cial­ist.
Cine­aste, 333 Sixth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10014. Of­fers a “so­cial and polit­ical per­spect­ive on the cinema.”
Col­lect­or’s Net­work News, State His­tor­ical So­ci­ety, 816 State St., Madi­son, Wis., 53706. News­let­ter of re­source in­form­a­tion on left peri­od­ic­als.
The Col­lege Teacher Worker News­let­ter, 235 W. 23rd St., New York, N.Y. Pub­lic­a­tion of the CPUSA.
Com­mon Ground, 2314 Elliot Ave. South, Min­ne­a­polis, Minn., 55404. Self-reli­ance and com­mun­ity con­trol.
Com­mun­it­ies, Box 426, Twin Oaks, Louisa, Va., 23093. Focus on com­munes, co­ops, and col­lect­ives.
Con­cerned Demo­graphy, c/o R. T. Reynolds, So­ci­ology Dept., Ithaca Col­lege, Ithaca, N.Y., 14850.
Con­fer­ence on Lan­guage At­ti­tudes and Com­pos­i­tion News­let­ter, Dept. of Eng­lish, Port­land State Uni­ver­sity, P.O. Box 751, Port­land, Ore­gon, 97207. Against the class bias in using a single stand­ard for “good Eng­lish”
Counter Spy, Fifth Estate, P.O. Box 647, Ben Frank­lin Sta­tion, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20044. Your move.
Crime and So­cial Justice: A Journal of Rad­ical Crim­in­o­logy, P.O. Box 4373, Berke­ley, Ca., 94704. De­votes an en­tire sec­tion in each issue to prob­lems of so­cial­ist ped­agogy.
CSC News Let­ter, Child­hood Sen­su­al­ity Circle, P.O. Box 20163, El Cajon, Ca., 92021. “News and views of the Chil­dren’s Lib­er­a­tion Move­ment.”
Cul­tural Cor­re­spond­ence, Dorr­war Book­store, 224 Thayer Ave., Provid­ence, R.I., Focus on pop­ular cul­ture.
The Cul­tural Re­porter, GPO Box 1760, New York, N.Y., 10001. So­cial­ist cul­ture.
Cul­tural Worker, Box 302, N. Am­herst, Mass., 01059. So­cial­ist cul­ture.
Dande­lion, Out­reach Col­lect­ive, 4722 Balti­more Ave., Phil­adelphia, Pa., 19043. News­let­ter of Move­ment for New So­ciety. So­cial change through non­vi­ol­ent means.
Dia­lect­ical An­thro­po­logy (U.S. and In­ter­na­tional), Elsevier Sci­entific Pub­lish­ing Co., P.O. Box 211 Amster­dam, The Nether­lands. Marx­ist and crit­ical ap­proaches to an­thro­po­logy.
Dia­lect­ical Psy­cho­logy News­let­ter, c/o H. Gadlin, Dept. of Psy­cho­logy, Uni­ver­sity of Mas­sachu­setts, Am­herst, Mass., 01002.
Dis­sent, 505 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10017. Gen­eral polit­ical and cul­tural journal. Demo­cratic so­cial­ist ori­ent­a­tion.
Dol­lars and Sense, 324 Somer­ville Ave., Somer­ville, Mass., 02143. Union for rad­ical Polit­ical Eco­nom­ics’ eco­nomic news­journal. Pop­u­lar format.
Dragon, Bay Area Re­search Col­lect­ive, Box 4344, Berke­ley, Ca., 94704. News and ana­lysis of Amer­ican under­ground move­ments.
East Coast So­ci­olo­gist So­ci­olo­gists News­let­ter, Dept. of So­ci­ology, State Uni­ver­sity Col­lege, 1300 Elm­wood Ave., Buf­falo, N.Y., 14222.
Eco­nom­ics Notes, Labor Re­search Assoc., 80 E. 11th St., New York, N.Y., 10003.
Ed­centric: A Journal of Ecu­ca­tional Change, P.O. Box 10083, Eu­gene, Ore­gon, 94701. Ecu­ca­tional ana­lysis, re­sources, bib­li­o­graph­ies.
Ek­ist­ics, Page Farm Rd., Lincoln, Mass., 01773. Tech­nical aspects of large-scale com­mun­ity plan­ning.
End­arch, Dept. of Polit­ical Sci­ence, At­lanta Uni­ver­sity, At­lanta, Ga., 30311. Black rad­ical polit­ical the­ory journal.
Equal­ity, Box 2418, Evans­ville, Ind., 47714. News­let­ter of the Kropot­kin So­ciety.
Fac­ulty Ac­tion, M.C.C.-C.U.N.Y., 1633 Broad­way (Rm. 368), New York, N.Y., 10019. Pub­lic­a­tion of the New York-based Fac­ulty Ac­tion Com­mit­tee. Rad­ical Pro­fess­ors.
Fem­in­ist Stud­ies, 417 River­side Dr., New York, N.Y., 10025. Con­tains fre­quent dis­cus­sions of so­cial­ist fem­in­ism.
Fifth Estate, 4403 2nd Ave., Detroit, Mich., 48201. Anar­chist news.
Fool­killer, 818½ E. 31st St., Kansas City, Mo., 64109. “A journal of pop­u­lar and people’s cul­ture.”
FPS: A Maga­zine of Young People’s Lib­er­a­tion, 2007 Wash­tenaw, Ann Arbor, Mich., 48104. Rad­ical news and ana­lysis to­gether with tips on or­gan­iz­ing for high school­ers.
Free­dom­ways, Free­dom­ways As­so­ci­ates, Inc., 799 Broad­way, New York, N.Y., 10003. Rad­ical black stud­ies in the U.S. and abroad.
Free­space, 339 La­fay­ette St., New York, N.Y., 10012. Anar­chist news­let­ter.
Green Moun­tain Quar­terly, 462 N. Main St., Osh­kosh, Wis., 54901. De­votes whole issues to the rad­ical his­tory of dif­fer­ent com­mun­it­ies—Osh­kosh, Dallas, etc.
Guild Notes, Na­tional Law­yers Guild, 853 Broad­way, New York, N.Y., 10003. Rad­ical law­yers.
Guild Prac­ti­tioner, Na­tional Law­yers Guild, 1715 Fran­cisco St., Berke­ley, Ca., 94703. Rad­ical law­yers.
Har­vest Quar­terly, 907 Santa Bar­bara St., Santa Bar­bara, Ca., 93101. Con­cerned with “his­tor­ical ma­ter­i­al­ism.”
Hay­market News, Hay­market Peoples’ Fund, 2 Holy­oke St., Cam­bridge, Ma., 02139. Rad­ical phil­an­thropy.
Health Act­iv­ists’ Di­gest, 19920 Lich­field, Detroit, Mich., 48221. Pub­lic­a­tion of the New Amer­ican Move­ment (NAM).
Health/​PAC Bul­letin, Health Pol­icy Ad­vis­ory Center, 17 Murray St., New York, N.Y., 10007. Rad­ical ana­lyses of the health sec­tor.
Health Rights News, Med­ical Com­mit­tee for Human Rights, 203 Oak­land Ave., Pitts­burgh, Pa., 15213.
Heres­ies, P.O. Box 766, Cana Street Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10013. Pre­dom­in­antly so­cial­ist fem­in­ist stud­ies of art and polit­ics.
Heret­ics Journal, 2202 N.W. 60th St., Seattle, Wash., 98107. Polit­ics as well as re­li­gion.
His­tor­i­ans Com­mit­tee on Al­tern­at­ive Re­sources News­let­ter, P.O. Box 1516, New Bruns­wick, N.J., 08903.
The Human Factor, Dept. of So­ci­ology, Columbia Uni­ver­sity (Rm. 203), 605 W. 115th St., New York, N.Y., 10025. Rad­ical so­ci­ology.
In­de­pend­ent Pub­lish­ing Fund of the Amer­icas News, P.O. Box 3080, Grand Central Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10017. Hop­ing to help fin­ance the pub­lic­a­tion of so­cial­ist books.
In­di­gena, P.O. Box 4073, Berke­ley, Ca., 94704. Nat­ive Amer­icans.
In­sur­gent So­ci­olo­gist, Dept. of So­ci­ology, Uni­ver­sity of Ore­gon, Eu­gene, Ore­gon, 94703. Premier rad­ical so­ci­ology journal.
Inter­face Journal, Box 970, Utica, N.Y., 13503. “Al­tern­at­ives in higher edu­ca­tion.”
Issues in Rad­ical Therapy, P.O. Box 23544, Oak­land, Ca., 94623.
Jewish Af­fairs, 235 W. 23rd St., New York, N.Y., 10011. Pub­lic­a­tion of the Com­mun­ist Party (CPUSA).
Jewish Cur­rents, 22 E. 17th St. (Rm. 601), New York, N.Y., 10003. So­cial­ist in­form­a­tion and ana­lysis of spe­cial in­ter­est to Jews.
Jump Cut, P.O. Box 865, Berke­ley, Ca., 94701. Rad­ical film cri­ti­cism.
Just Eco­nom­ics, Move­ment for Eco­nomic Justice, 1611 Con­necti­cut Ave. N.W., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20009. Or­gan­iz­ing the com­mun­ity around util­it­ies, taxes, pub­lic ser­vices.
Kap­ital­istate, c/o J. O’Con­nor, Dept. of So­ci­ology, Uni­ver­sity of Calif.-Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, Ca., 95064. Ma­jor Marx­ist the­or­et­ical journal focus­ing on the state in cap­ital­ist so­ciety.
Labor His­tory, Bobst Lib­rary, Tami­ment In­sti­tute, New York Uni­ver­sity, Wash­ing­ton Square, New York, N.Y., 10012. Amer­ican labor his­tory.
Labor Today, 343 S. Dear­born (Rm. 600), Chicago, Ill., 60604. Good left source of labor news.
Left Curve, 1230 Grant Ave., Box 302, San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94133. Ranges over all the arts. Pub­lished by art­ists.
Left Open, Box 211, Teach­ers Col­lege, Columbia Uni­ver­sity, New York, N.Y., 10027. News­let­ter of the Eman­cip­at­ory Edu­ca­tion Col­lect­ive.
Lib­er­a­tion, 186 Hamp­shire St., Cam­bridge, Mass., 02139. Wide cover­age of cur­rent polit­ical, so­cial, and cul­tural issues.
The Longest Re­volu­tion, P.O. Box 350, San Diego, Ca., 92101. “Pro­gress­ive fem­in­ism.”
Mad­ness Net­work News, 2150 Market St., San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94114.
Magnus, P.O. Box 40568, San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94140. So­cial­ist gay lib.
Ma­jor­ity Re­port, 74 Grove St., New York, N.Y., 10014. Often con­tains rad­ical art­icles on issues re­lated to women’s lib­er­a­tion.
Marx­ist Per­spect­ives, 420 West End Ave., New York, N.Y., 10024. Schol­arly Marx­ist his­tory journal.
The Match, P.O. Box 3488, Tucson, Arizona, 85722. Anar­chist.
Mat­ter Over Mind, 333 Central Park West (Apt. 14, Rm. 314), New York, N.Y., 10025. News­let­ter of the New York In­sti­tute of So­cial Ther­apy.
Medi­a­tions, c/o Sonia Michel, 18 Middle­sex St., Cam­bridge, Mass., 02140. News­let­ter of the Marx­ist Lit­er­ary Group of the Mod­ern Lan­guages As­so­ci­a­tion.
Min­nesota Re­view, Box 5416, Mil­waukee, Wis., 53211. Fre­quently in­cludes Marx­ist lit­er­ary the­ory and cri­ti­cism.
Mod­ern Times, P.O. Box 11208, Mo­i­li­ili Sta­tion, Ho­no­lulu, Hi., 96828. Seeks out dia­logue be­tween dif­fer­ent kinds of so­cial­ists.
Monthly Re­view, 62 West 14th St., New York, N.Y., 10011. Most widely read Amer­ican Marx­ist journal. Fo­cuses on the Amer­ican eco­nomy, im­per­i­al­ism, lib­er­a­tion move­ments, and the so­cial­ist world.
Mother Jones, 1255 Port­land Place, Boulder, Col., 80302. Rad­ical gen­er­al­ist, an at­tempt to start up where Ram­parts left off.
Moun­tain Life and Work, Drawer N, Clint­wood, Vir­ginia, 24223. Pub­lic­a­tion of the Cit­izens for So­cial and Eco­nomic Justice in the Ap­pa­lachians.
The Na­tional Con­fer­ence on Al­tern­at­ive State and Local Pub­lic Poli­cies News­let­ter, c/o I.P.S., 1901 Q Street, N.W., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20009. News of/​by pro­gress­ives in gov­ern­ment.
The Net­work Pro­ject News­let­ter, 101 East Hall, Columbia Uni­ver­sity, New York, N.Y., 10025. The com­mun­i­ca­tions media.
New Ger­man Cri­tique, Ger­man Dept., Box 413, Uni­ver­sity of Wis­con­sin-Mil­waukee, Mil­waukee, Wisc., 53201. Rad­ical and Marx­ist ap­proaches to Ger­man stud­ies. Many im­port­ant trans­la­tions.
The New Har­binger: A Journal of the Co­op­er­at­ive Move­ment, Dept. P, Box 1301, Ann Arbor, Mich., 48106.
The New In­ter­na­tional Re­view, P.O. Box 26020, Tempe, Ariz., 85282. Polit­ical and the­or­et­ical journal of so­cial demo­cratic ori­ent­a­tion.
New Polit­ics, 307 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10017. Gen­eral polit­ical and the­or­et­ical journal of so­cial demo­cratic ori­ent­a­tion.
A New Polit­ical Sci­ence, c/o Vanden, Dept. of Polit­ical Sci­ence, Uni­ver­sity of South Florida, Tampa, Fla., 33620. News­journal of the Caucus for a New Polit­ical Sci­ence.
New Schools Ex­change News­let­ter, NSE, Petti­grew, Ark., 72752. “Edu­ca­tional lib­er­a­tion.”
News from the Fed­er­a­tion for Eco­nomic Demo­cracy, 2100 M St., N.W. (Rm. 607), Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20063. Self-​man­age­ment.
New York Re­view of Books, P.O. Box 940, Farm­ing­dale, N.Y., 11735. Re­view essays from gen­er­ally pro­gress­ive stand­points.
No More Teach­ers Dirty Looks, 88 Sanchez, San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94114. Journal of the Bay Area Rad­ical Teach­ers Or­gan­iz­ing Com­mit­tee (BARTOC).
Notes on Health Polit­ics, Health Pro­fes­sion­als for Polit­ical Ac­tion, Box 386, Ken­more Sta­tion, Boston, Mass., 02215.
NRAG Papers, 9 Placer St., Helena, Mont., 59601. Journal of the North­ern Rock­ies Ac­tion Group.
Oc­to­ber, c/o Jaap Riet­man, 167 Spring St., New York, N.Y., 10012. Rad­ical film cri­ti­cism.
Off Our Backs, 1724 20th St., N.W., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20009. “Fem­in­ist . . . so­cial­ist, anar­chist, com­mun­ist” news journal.
Oral His­tory of the Amer­ican Left News­let­ter, Tami­ment In­sti­tute, Bobst Lib­rary, New York Uni­ver­sity, Wash­ing­ton Square, New York, N.Y., 10012.
Out­law, Pris­on­er’s Union, 1315 18th St. San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94107. Rad­ical prison news and ana­lysis.
Par­tisan Re­view, 1 Rich­ard­son St., New Bruns­wick, N.J., 08903. Fre­quently con­tains rad­ical cri­ti­cism of cul­ture, polit­ics, and philo­sophy.
Pass-​Age, 3617 Powel­ton Ave., Phil­adelphia, Pa., 19104. “Hu­mane in­vest­ig­a­tion of fu­ture pos­sib­il­it­ies.”
Paunch, 123 Wood­ward Ave., Buf­falo, N.Y., 14214. From lit­er­at­ure to Marx­ist the­ory.
Philo­soph­ers Com­mit­tee on Al­tern­at­ive Re­sources News­let­ter, c/o Dr. C. Ake, Dept. of Philo­sophy, Rutgers Uni­ver­sity, New Bruns­wick, N.J., 08903.
PIE News­let­ter, 1714 Mas­sachu­setts Ave., N.W., Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20036. News­let­ter of Pub­lic In­ter­est Eco­nomic Found­a­tion.
Plan­ners Net­work News­let­ter, 360 Eliza­beth St., San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94114. Rad­ical plan­ners.
Point of Pro­duc­tion, 168 St. Johns Pl., Brook­lyn, N.Y., 11217. Marx­ist eco­nomics. A lot of use­ful stat­ist­ics.
Polit­ical Eco­nomy of the World Sys­tem News­let­ter, c/o Fred Block, Dept. of So­ci­ology, Uni­ver­sity of Penn­syl­vania, Phila­del­phia, Pa., 19074. Es­pe­cially in­ter­ested in the ef­fects of the in­ter­na­tional di­vi­sion of labor on the ori­gins and de­vel­op­ment of cap­it­al­ist so­ci­ety. (See also Review.)
Polit­ics and Edu­ca­tion, Wes­leyan Sta­tion, Fisk Hall, Middle­town, Conn., 06457. Rad­ical news and ana­lysis of higher edu­ca­tion.
Polit­ics and So­ci­ety, Geron-X Inc., Box 1108, Los Altos, Ca., 94022. Rad­ical the­ory and re­search in polit­ical sci­ence and re­lated so­cial sci­ences.
Polit­iks and Other Human In­ter­ests, 271 Madi­son Ave., New York, N.Y., 10016. Mildly left news and ana­lysis with many in­ter­est­ing colum­nists.
Poverty Law Re­port, 1001 S. Hull St., Mont­gomery, Al., 36101. Focus on civil rights issues af­fect­ing the poor, par­tic­u­larly in south­east­ern U.S.
Praxis, P.O. Box 207, Golita, Ca., 93017. Wide range of art­icles on aes­thet­ics and the arts.
Prison News­let­ter, Voices from Within, P.O. Box 5548, Berke­ley, Ca., 94705. “Ana­lysis of prison, re­volu­tion­ary pris­on­ers’ move­ment, com­mun­ity strug­gles.”
Pro­gress­ive, 408 W. Gor­ham St., Madi­son, Wis., 53703. A long-time lib­eral maga­zine has moved a few notches left with a new ed­itor.
Psych-Agit­ator, Dept. of Psy­cho­logy, SUNY, Stony Brook, N.Y., 11794. Marx­ist-ori­ented psy­cho­logy news­let­ter.
Quest: A Fem­in­ist Quar­terly, P.O. Box 8843, Wash­ing­ton, D.C., 20003. Issues on spe­cial top­ics. Marx­ist and fem­in­ist the­ory.
Rad­ical Al­li­ance of So­cial Ser­vice Work­ers News­let­ter, P.O. Box 70. New York, N.Y., 10028.
Rad­ical Amer­ica, P.O. Box B, North Cam­bridge, Mass., 02140. Em­pha­sis on work­ers and worker his­tory.
Rad­ical His­tory Re­view, P.O. Box 946, New York, N.Y., 10025. Journal of the Mid-At­lantic Rad­ical His­tor­i­ans’ Or­gan­iz­a­tion (MARHO).
Rad­ical Philo­soph­ers’ News­journal, 12 Dart­mouth St., Somer­ville, Mass., 02145. Rad­ical and Marx­ist philo­sophy. Be­com­ing less of a news­let­ter and more of a journal with each issue.
Rad­ical Re­li­gion, P.O. Box 9164, Berke­ley, Ca., 94709. Rad­ical ap­proaches to theo­logy.
Rad­ical Teacher, P.O. Box 102, Kendal Square Post Of­fice, Cam­bridge, Mass., 02142. Journal of the Rad­ical Caucus in Eng­lish and the Mod­ern Lan­guages As­so­ci­a­tion. Focus on the the­ory and prac­tice of rad­ical teach­ing in all dis­cip­lines, though most pieces so far have dealt with cul­tural sub­jects.
Recon, P.O. Box 14602, Phil­adelphia, Pa., 19134. “Keep­ing an eye on the Penta­gon.”
Red Her­ring, P.O. Box 557, Canal Street Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10013. Suc­cessor of The Fox. Chiefly cul­tural work­ers ana­lyz­ing and com­ment­ing on cul­ture.
Red­lin­ing Re­porter, 1516 West­wood Blvd., Suite 202, Los Angeles, Ca., 90024. Against un­fair bank­ing prac­tices.
Reli­able Source, Fen­wick Pub­lish­ng Co., 36 W. 22nd St., New York, N.Y., 10010. Some­times rad­ical humor maga­zine.
Res­ist, 720 Mas­sachu­setts Ave., R.4, Cam­bridge, Mass., 02139. News­let­ter focus­ing on res­ist­ing il­le­git­im­ate au­thor­ity.
Re­view, Fernant Braudel Center, SUNY-Bing­ham­ton, Bing­ham­ton, N.Y., 13901. “Eco­nom­ics, his­tor­ical sys­tems, and civil­iz­a­tions” from gen­er­ally Marx­ist per­spect­ives. (See also Polit­ical Eco­nomy of the World Sys­tem News­let­ter.)
The Re­view of Rad­ical Polit­ical Eco­nom­ics, c/o Union for Rad­ical Polit­ical Eco­nom­ics (URPE), 41 Union Square West (Rm. 901), New York, N.Y., 10003. Wide range of top­ics in polit­ical eco­nomy. Fre­quent spe­cial issues, in­clud­ing one on teach­ing and some de­voted to bib­li­o­graphy.
Re­vo­lu­tion­ary World, (U.S. & In­ter­na­tional), B. R. Grun­ner, P.O. Box 70020, Am­ster­dam, Hol­land. “Marx­ist philo­sophy.”
Rights, Na­tional Emer­gency Civil Liber­ties Com­mit­tee, 25 E. 26th St., New York, N.Y., 10010.
Roots, Box 344, Cooper Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., Pub­lic­a­tion of Eco­logy Ac­tion East (EAE). Rad­ical eco­logy.
Sci­ence Fic­tion Stud­ies, Dept. of Eng­lish, In­di­ana State Uni­ver­sity, Terre Haute, Ind., 42809. Fre­quently con­tains rad­ical cri­ti­cism of sci­ence fic­tion.
Semio­texte, 522 Philo­sophy Hall, Colum­bia Uni­ver­sity, New York, N.Y., 10027. Ana­lyzes “the power mech­an­isms which re­pro­duce and main­tain the present di­vi­sion of know­ledge.” The lat­est from France.
Sci­ence and So­ci­ety, John Jay Col­lege (Rm. 4331), CUNY, 445 W. 59th St., New York, N.Y., 10019. Old­est of the ex­tant schol­arly Marx­ist journ­als pub­lished in the U.S. Im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tions in many fields.
Sci­ence for the People, 897 Main St., Cam­bridge, Mass., 02139. Pop­u­lar art­icles on sci­ence and the polit­ics of sci­ence and tech­no­logy.
The Second Wave, Box 344, Cam­bridge A, Cam­bridge, Mass., 02139. Multi­faceted fem­in­ist jour­nal. Mixed polit­ics.
Shelter­force, 380 Main St., East Orange, N.J., 07018. “A na­tional hous­ing news­paper.”
Sing Out!, 270 La­fay­ette St., New York, N.Y., 10012. Rad­ical folk songs.
Sipapu, Route 1, Box 216, Winters, Ca., 95616. News­let­ter on al­tern­ate press and Third World stud­ies mainly for edit­ors and lib­rar­i­ans.
So­cial Policy, Suite 500, 184 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y., 10010. Often rad­ical treat­ment of so­cial ser­vices and public policy.
So­cial Re­search, New School for So­cial Re­search, 66 W. 12th St., New York, N.Y., 10011. Aca­demic jour­nal fre­quently de­voted to art­icles by so­cial­ists on top­ics of in­ter­est to the Left.
So­cial Text, c/o John Brink­man, 944 Van Hise Hall, Uni­ver­sity of Wis­consin, Madi­son, Wis., 53706. Marx­ist theor­et­ical jour­nal. Focus on bourgeois ideo­logy and cul­ture.
So­cial­ist Re­view, 396 Sanchez St., San Fran­cisco, Ca., 94114. For­merly So­cial­ist Re­vo­lu­tion. Ma­jor Marx­ist theor­et­ical jour­nal.
So­cial Theory and Prac­tice, Dept. of Philo­sophy, Uni­ver­sity of Florida, Tal­la­has­see, Fla., 32306. Aca­demic, but fre­quently con­tains art­icles on so­cial­ist theory.
So­ci­ety, Box A, Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity, New Bruns­wick, N.J., 08903. Left so­cial sci­ence, pop­u­lar slant.
So­ci­ety for So­cial Re­spons­ibil­ity in Sci­ence Re­view, 86 Lenox Hill Sta­tion, New York, N.Y., 10021.
So­ci­o­logists’ Com­mit­tee on Al­tern­at­ive Re­sources News­let­ter, c/o Dr. Francine Moulder, Dept. of So­ci­o­logy, Liv­ings­ton Col­lege, Rut­gers Uni­ver­sity, New Bruns­wick, N.J., 08903.
Soil of Liberty, Box 7056, Powder­horn Sta­tion, Min­ne­a­polis, Minn., 55407. Anar­chist.
South­ern Ex­posure, Box 230, Chapel Hill, N.C., 27514. Rad­ical and left liberal art­icles on the South, old and new.
South­ern Strug­gle, 3210 W. Broad­way, Louis­ville, Ky., 40211. Pub­lic­a­tion of the South­ern Con­fer­ence Edu­ca­tion Fund (SCEF).
South West Eco­nomy and So­ci­ety, Box 4482, Albu­quer­que, N.M., 97106. Crit­ical stud­ies of re­gional de­vel­op­ment in the South­west.
Spark, C.S.R.E., 475 River­side Dr., New York, N.Y., 10027. Rad­ical en­gin­eer­ing jour­nal.
Spirit of the People, P.O. Box 3426, St. Paul, Minn., 55165. News­let­ter of the Nat­ive Amer­ican Solid­ar­ity Com­mit­tee.