Anarchy 103/Run a school next holiday!
Run a school next holiday!
“There are groups that have got together to decide what they would like to do, otherwise there is very little actual organisation.”
“How would you actually define your aims in having a school like this? Do you see it as an attempt to show that education needn’t necessarily be conducted as it is at present?”
A long pause, then—
“I think what we are trying to do … who does the school belong to, anyway? Not the Education Authority, not the headmaster, not even to the government, but to the community. That’s what we’re attempting to explore: a school that is owned by the community.”
The library was used for quiet games and writing and reading ad at first was not used much. Towards the end of the period, there was always a little group there. Children dressed up in the dancing room and were often seen wandering about in their finery, lost in princessly fantasies. In the infants’ hall, in a separate building, the music activities. Often sweep melody from there but, as likely as not, a raucous jangle of instruments as children had a go on all sorts of instruments from chime bars to trombones. In the main hall there were train sets, car sets, billiards and table tennis and there were always children here. A rope was fixed up to enable sliding along it on a loop. This was a great favourite, especially with the younger children. There were nearly always boys playing football in the lower field after the first day when the weather brightened. In fact, the weather was so good that most activity was outdoor activity and outings to the Downs and Ashton were very popular.
On the last day everyone set to ad painted the playground.
Children went home to lunch or brought their own. Around 60 helpers were involved, drawn mainly from sixth forms ad Teachers Training Colleges in Bristol. Some mothers came to help, others came to look around.
The average number of children present was about seventy but these numbers fluctuated all the time. The children were mainly between 5 and 11 but some brought their younger brothers ad sisters. Older children were there on sufferance of good behaviour. They caused no trouble but some of the sixth formers felt a bit out of depth with them. The children were free to come ad go at any time and were not the school’s responsibility, although they were covered for accidents on the premises. A child arriving at school was assumed either to have been sent by the parent or else allowed out to play and the parent didn’t mind where. In both cases the parents had full responsibility. I am not sure if this was adequately communicated to all parents but is very important.
At the end of each day, all the helpers still in school met together for brief meeting to discuss outlines of plans for the following day ad small things that required attention. But I think the best ways in which thoughts and problems about the school were resolved were (i) in casual discussions that sprang to life in moments throughout the day and (ii) in the midst of daily experiences themselves that gave a clear picture as time wet o, of what a school like this was all about. I often wondered if the students thought about a school like this, very much. On the whole, I think it was so obvious to them that the school had value and that was sufficient to them. They are luckily too young as yet to know that despairing insight working as a teacher in our present system can give. They were not, I think, like me, constantly revaluating everything.
That afternoon when everyone but a few had gone out, I saw another man from the Education Office, on a friendly visit, although I did not realise it at the time. Always accustomed to being at war with Education officials, I was uneasy with this man’s cordiality but warmed by his insistence on handshaking.
“What is the Education Office’s attitude to this sort of thing?” I asked him.
“We look upon it with great interest and if it proves a success, we hope to be able to finance it. There should be money forthcoming from the government. …”
On the last day the team work was magnificent between everyone involved in clearing up and the school was spick and span but the school had held up the yearly spring-clean. The caretaker had only a few days after Easter in which to complete this. Obviously, in the future, more paid cleaners would become a necessity to aid efficiency and prevent frustrations.
In the long summer school it would perhaps be valuable to have a person, skilled in dealing with children in a certain activity, into the school occasionally to give voluntary and friendly advice and example to the students during the course of the day. This would be an excellent way for the inexperienced to learn. Ad discussion groups and teach-ins that can feed back experience and ideas all the time would become an invaluable part of a school like this that depends so much on spontaneity and experience and not conditioning. Holiday schools depend upon people to run them who do not need to earn incomes. the feeling of unity ad purpose when work is done for pleasure is magnificent, but many people simply cannot afford the time. Yet the problem arises that, if the Education Authorities finance these schools, who then would dictate the policy behind them? And as schools like this tend to be running against the general trend in education at present, what ort of friction would money-with-strings create? What room for experiment would remain? Large bureaucratic concerns have a tendency to seek guarantees and eliminate risks. Yet at the core of all life lies risk and a school run on the lines of Hotwells could scarce run without it.
And, in the long-term view, when schools in general become run like this, it is plain that more highly-specialised teaching areas will become necessary. No one for instance, was interested in exploring mathematics or history at Hotwells and they perhaps would have been silly to do so in such a short time because the children were far too stimulated by gayer, less intense things. But eventually children would settle and intensify their experiences over a whole range of experiences. I think we caught a glimpse of this even in four days.
In our present education system, which aims to pass degrees of failure on a great many children because only with that sense will you go willingly to work, as a penance, in a menial job, a school of this type cannot be considered as anything other than political. “How I wish I’d worked harder at school,” a 15-year-old school-leaver confided to me this year. The monotony of his job had drowned all memory of the monotony of the school work he had been bidden to do. Of course he had failed; it had never had meaning. So he accepts his “punishment” with a shrug and assigns a special aura of regard to all those teachers who prophesied his failure. And it is this that is such splendid ammunition to the establishment teacher: “I saw Paul today and he said to me … so you’d better all get this homework on the puritan wars done or else you’ll land up like him, serving behind a toy counter. …” There were things in him that needed developing and encouraging, and some self-respect and understanding, surely? Instead he had been taught to be a failure. It is this sense of failure that keeps the system going. Fathers prompt their sons to aim high: don’t bother about being a man, just pass the bleeding exam.
Perhaps Hotwells is a beginning to a change of all that?
Was it a Training College Project? Certainly not. Training College students were involved, but also were university students and 5th and 6th formers from school. Peter Swann, the prime mover of Bristol Free Schools, is an art lecturer at training college, but he is certainly not working in an official capacity.
What was Totterdown 1968? An offshoot from the Free University and the sit-in of that summer term. Students fed up with (1) the dreary syllabus-oriented education they were forced into, and (2) their lack of involvement in the community at large, decided to tackle both problems at once by opening a place in a deprived part of Bristol to (1) explore a “free” learning situation, and (2) contact a community by involvement in it. Around 150-200 children came every day although the hall was sparse and badly situated. This wasn’t a school, but a hall donated by the Methodist Church for the summer. (The church members also organised meals for the helpers.) Unfortunately, community involvement didn’t “happen”. The community slumped back into its usual apathy when we left.
What about future projects? Hotwells is running a Free School for three weeks in the summer. Totterdown is having a Free School again but in a different hall: a disused working-men’s club due for demolition (six weeks). Easton is an old working-class district now slowly being demolished where we are opening a new Free School. Many people live in tall blocks of flats (1,000 children in four blocks) and a major road is destined to go through the middle of them. There are no facilities whatever. We are also running a library scheme in conjunction with the local school in the local library. This will be held in a school which we have wrested from the Authorities for a grand two weeks only! This was achieved by Pan Nicholls who lived in Easton for years and was a pupil at this school. Her diplomacy has won over the caretakers (who remember her) and the headmaster, and she also has liaison with the Trades Council, which has been a strong voice in Bristol lately. It has issued a pamphlet What is Bristol doing for our children? in which it makes recommendations for adventure playgrounds, schools open in holidays, etc. It has examined possible sites for adventure playground areas and embarrassed the Council into agreeing to some of them. (We are using a site behind Easton School for an adventure playground.) The Education Authority is making a grant to each free school of £15 per week this summer. Both Hotwells and Easton have been curtailed in duration simply by Education Authority veto. We wanted to run for five weeks.