Anarchy 38

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Contents of No. 38

April 1964

Nottingham United Philip Callow 97
Robin Hood Rides Again: A Rebel Scene Ray Gosling 99
Nottingham at Fourteen   109
Riotous Times in Nottingham   110
Man and Motor in Nottingham Paul Ritter 112
Pages from a Nottingham Notebook Harold Drasdo 118
Poor People Alan Sillitoe 124

Acknowledgements: We are grateful to Mike Dixon, Neville Drasdo and John Yates for help with the cover and titles. Our acknowledgements are due to the editor of The Queen magazine where Alan Sillitoe’s article first appeared. Ray Gosling offers acknowledgements to the editors of Tribune, New Society, and Nottingham University Gong, “some of whom may recognise the odd phrase or two, sentence, that has been conned from pieces that appeared with them.”

This issue of ANARCHY is all about one English provincial city, written by people who live there or who were born there. In one way it can be read as an extended footnote to Paul Goodman’s manifesto quoted in our last issue: “The society I live in is mine; open to my voice and action, or I do not live there at all.” Though our contributors are unlikely to vote for either group on the city Council, it is evident that they are convinced that the city is theirs and that it is up to them to make it more like a town that would satisfy their needs and aspirations, their idea of a good life. This is the difference between the approach advocated in this journal and that of the politicians. Anarchism is decentralist, based on the person and his individual fulfilment; the politicians, from left to right, are centralisers, seeking the support of masses, seeking to manipulate masses, to control masses. They want to govern others, we want people to liberate themselves. If we ever are to achieve a society run from the bottom up instead of from the top down, it must begin with local control, personal and social autonomy. “This is the beginning of a provincial renaissance” declared an enthusiastic young Nottingham citizen, when the TV cameras visited the new Playhouse. Would that he were right! Anyway, ANARCHY’S portrait of Nottingham is our contribution towards such a rebirth.

If this is the first copy of ANARCHY you have seen, and you enjoyed reading it, take out a subscription and get it every month. See inside front cover for subscription rates and details of other issues.

Some books by contributors in this issue …

PHILIP CALLOW: A Pledge for the Earth. 18s. “One of the most exciting talents among our younger novelists.” Turning Point. 18s. A volume of poems.

RAY GOSLING: Sum Total. 18s. “An intelligent and forceful and very self-critical young man who is trying to understand urban life in England, and make something of it.”—Colin MacInnes.

PAUL RITTER: Planning for Man and Motor. £5 5s. “Concerns more than traffic specialists and architects: it concerns us all.”—William Holford. The Free Family (with Jean Ritter) 18s. “Stimulating and inventive.”—Freedom.

HAROLD DRASDO: The Eastern Crags. 8s. 6d. A guide to rock-climbing in the Lake District.

ALAN SILLITOE: The Ragman’s Daughter. 16s. Keys to the Door. 7s. 6d. Saturday Night and Sunday Morning. 15s. (paperback 2s. 6d.) The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner. 13s. 6d. (paperback 2s. 6d.).

Order them from

Freedom Bookshop, 17a Maxwell Road, London, S.W.6.

Pilkington vs. Beeching

This twelfth volume of selected articles from the anarchist weekly FREEDOM is now available. Two hundred and sixty pages long, it costs 7s. 6d. as a paperback or 10s. 6d. cloth bound. The paper edition is available to readers of FREEDOM at 5s. 6d. post free.



Vol 2 1952: Postscript to Posterity
Vol 3 1953: Colonialism on Trial
Vol 4 1954: Living on a Volcano
Vol 5 1955: The Immoral Moralists
Vol 6 1956: Oil and Troubled Waters
Vol 7 1957: Year One—Sputnik Era
Vol 8 1958: Socialism in a Wheelchair
Vol 9 1959: Print, Press & Public
Vol 10 1960: The Tragedy of Africa
Vol 11 1961: The People in the Street
Vol 12 1962: Pilkington v. Beeching

Each volume: paper 7/6 cloth 10/6

The paper edition of the Selections is available to readers of FREEDOM at 5/6 post free.

Poetry & Anarchism paper 2/6

Delinquency 6d.

Marxism, Freedom and the State 5/-

Anarchism (Seven Exponents of the Anarchist Philosophy) cloth 21/-

Revolutionary Government 3d.

Nationalism and culture cloth 21/-

Towards a Free Society 2/6

Sexual Freedom for the Young 6d.
Ill-Health, Poverty and the State cloth 2/6 paper 1/-

Nineteen-Seventeen (The Russian Revolution Betrayed) cloth 12/6
The Unknown Revolution (Kronstadt 1921, Ukraine 1918-21) clith 12/6

Youth for Freedom 2/-
Who will do the Dirty Work? 2d.
Food Production & Population 6d.

The Expanding Environment (illustrated) boards 8/6

The First Person (Selections) 2/6

Marie-Louise Berneri Memorial Committee publications:
Marie-Louise Berneri, 1918-1949: A tribute
cloth 5/-
Journey Through Utopia
cloth 16/- paper 7/6
Neither East Nor West
paper 7/6

Freedom Press 17a Maxwell Rd London


Printed by Express Printers, London, E.1.

Other issues of ANARCHY

VOLUME 1, 1961: 1. Sex-and-Violence, Galbraith*; 2. Workers’ control; 3. What does anarchism mean today?; 4. Deinstitutionalisation; 5. Spain 1936*; 6. Cinema†; 7. Adventure playgrounds*; 8. Anthropology; 9. Prison; 10. MacInnes, Industrial decentralisation.

VOLUME 2, 1962: 11. Paul Goodman, A. S. Neill; 12. Who are the anarchists?; 13. Direct action*; 14. Disobedience; 15. The work of David Wills; 16. Ethics of anarchism, Africa; 17. Towards a lumpenproletariat; 18. Comprehensive schools; 19. Theatre: anger and anarchy; 20. Non-violence, Freud; 21. Secondary modern; 22. Cranston’s dialogue on anarchy.

VOLUME 3, 1963: 23. Housing, squatters, do-it-yourself; 24. Community of Scholars; 25. Technology, cybernetics; 26. CND, Salesmanship, Thoreau; 27. Youth; 28. The future of anarchism; 29. The Spies for Peace Story; 30. The community workshop; 31. Self-organising systems, Beatniks, the State; 32. Crime; 33. Alex Comfort’s anarchism; 34. Science fiction, Workless teens.

VOLUME 4, 1964: 35. House and home; 36. Arms of the law; 37. Why I won’t vote; 38. Nottingham; 39. The legacy of Homer Lane; 40. The unions; 41. The land.

Sold out.   * Few copies left, sold to purchasers of yearly set only.

Universities and Colleges

ANARCHY can be obtained in term-time from:—

Oxford: John Whitfield, New College.
Cambridge: Nicholas Bohm, St. John’s College.
Birmingham: Anarchist Group.
Sussex: Paul Littlewood, Students’ Union.
L.S.E.: Jock Young.
Newcastle: H. D. Nash.
Durham: Jeremy Hawden.
Leeds: N. D. Society.
Hull: University Bookshop.
Columbia University, New York: Jim Aaron 243 W. 107 St.
Roosevelt University, Chicago: Bernard Marzalek, 5838 South Claremont, Chicago 36.

Subscribe to ANARCHY

Single copies 2s. (30c.). Annual Subscription (12 issues) 25s. ($3.50). By airmail 47s. ($7.00).

Joint annual subscription with freedom the anarchist weekly (which readers of anarchy will find indispensable) 40s. ($6.00).

Cheques, POs and Money Orders should be made out to

17a Maxwell Road London SW6 England
Tel: RENown 3736