Anarchy 12

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Contents of No. 12

February 1962

Who are the anarchists?   33
The anarchist personality Tony Gibson 35
The Freedom readership survey   50
Who will be the anarchists? Tristram Shandy 57
Reflections on mass media Martin Small 60
Cover by Rufus Segar  


Vol  1 1951: Mankind is One
Vol  2 1952: Postscript to Posterity
Vol  3 1953: Colonialism on Trial
Vol  4 1954: Living on a Volcano
Vol  5 1955: The Immoral Moralists
Vol  6 1956: Oil and Troubled Waters
Vol  7 1957: Year One—Sputnik Era
Vol  8 1958: Socialism in a Wheelchair
Vol  9 1959: Print, Press & Public
Vol 10 1960: The Tragedy of Africa

Each volume: paper 7/6 cloth 10/6

The paper edition of the Selections is available to readers of FREEDOM at 5/- post free.

Anarchism (Seven Exponents of the Anarchist Philosophy) cloth 21/-

Towards a Free Society 2/6

Nationalism and Culture
cloth 21/-

Anarchy 9d.

Ill-Health, Poverty and the State
cloth 2/6 paper 1/-

Nineteen-Seventeen (The Russion Revolution Betrayed) cloth 12/6
The Unknown Revolution (Kronstadt 1921, Ukraine 1918-21)
cloth 12/6

Marie-Louise Berneri Memorial Committee publications:

Marie-Louise Berneri, 1918-1949: A tribute
cloth 5/-
Journey Through Utopia
cloth 16/- paper 7/6
Neither East Nor West
paper 7/6


Rich, insecure, violent, political, and habitual “offenders” with their hunters and keepers are spotlighted in the new


(just out) which is mostly about


and includes contributions from Pat Arrowsmith, Hugh J. Klare, Cecil Day Lewis, Alan Little, Lord Longford, Terence Morris, Malcolm, Muggeridge, Frederic Raphael, Simon Raven and Julian Symons in nearly 200 value-packed pages.

If you can’t get it from your newsagent, order it now for 5/6 post-free from 26, Bloomsbury Way, London, CC1.

Other issues of ANARCHY:

No. 1.  Alex Comfort on Sex-and-Violence, Nicolas Walter on the New Wave, and articles on education, opportunity, and Galbraith.

No. 2.  A symposium on Workers’ Control.

No. 3.  What does anarchism mean today?, and articles on Africa, the ‘Long Revolution’ and exceptional children.

No. 4.  George Molnar on conflicting strains in anarchism, Colin Ward on the breakdown of institutions.

No. 5.  A symposium on the Spanish Revolution of 1936.

No. 6.  Anarchy and Cinema: articles on Vigo, Buñuel and Flaherty. Two experimental film-makers discuss their work.

No. 7.  A symposium on Adventure Playgrounds.

No. 8.  Anarchists and Fabians, Kenneth Maddock on action anthropology, Reg Wright on erosion inside capitalism, Nicolas Walter on Orwell.

No. 9.  A symposium on Prison.

No. 10.  Alan Sillitoe’s Key to the Door, Colin MacInnes on crime, Augustus John on utopia, Committee of 100 seminar on industry and workers’ control.

No. 11.  The World of Paul Goodman, and articles on education by Paul Goodman, Harold Drasdo and A. S. Neill.

Subscribe to ANARCHY

single copies 1s. 8d. (30c.) post free: 12 issues 19s. ($3)

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readers of ANARCHY will find FREEDOM, the anarchist weekly, indispensable. A year’s subscription to both journals is offered at 30s. ($5).

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