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Explaining Provo


From some other people on the Dutch ABC March here in April, I under­stand that you were in­ter­ested in the Dutch anarch­ist Provo move­ment. There exist many mis­under­stand­ings even here in Holland about the Provos. It is very im­port­ant to us that Provo gets more inter­na­tional in­flu­ence. Some pro­gress has already been made in this re­spect in France and Belgium, but we believe that there must be even greater op­por­tun­ities for Provo to spread in England.

  The Provo move­ment was started in April of last year by a few anarch­ist stu­dents and work­ers, some of whom had already worked with De Vrije (the Dutch equi­val­ent of freedom); they saw, however, that the methods of the old anarch­ist move­ment were too isol­ated, too small, and too stupid. Do not forget that the anarch­ist move­ment here is, unlike in England I think, only the re­main­der of the big move­ment Holland once pos­sessed. Provo under­stood that anarch­ist theory was very rel­ev­ant to present so­ciety and that its im­pact should, there­fore, be, basically, an im­medi­ate one. So we wanted to create a move­ment di­rected towards what we later called the “Provo­tariat”, i.e. the con­glom­er­ation of all stu­dents, artists, beat­niks, mods, rockers, and so on, who are all already pro­test­ing in their own way, but not as yet polit­ic­ally con­scious; to make them polit­ic­ally con­scious was our task.

  From April 1965 Provo has grown amaz­ingly quickly. Our organ­isa­tional prin­ciples are thor­oughly anarch­ist: no hier­archy, only solid­ar­ity; no orders, only spon­taneity; every­one who joined the move­ment changed it a little with his per­son­ality and new ideas. I think that it is this aspect that has made Provo so at­tract­ive to young people of all kinds.

  Provo is based upon two fun­da­mental prin­ciples, a cul­tural and a polit­ical one. The cul­tural part is most evident in our “hap­pen­ings”; which were, ini­tially, the creat­ive activ­ity of some un­en­gaged beat­niks, but which are now a con­stant pro­test against au­thor­ity. The police now sup­press these activ­ities as much as they can. The “hap­pen­ing” has another func­tion, in our the­or­ies, con­trib­uted by the famous con­tem­por­ary Dutch artist, Constant Nieuwen­huys, con­cern­ing the “New Babylon”—the coming world of auto­ma­tion; but it would lead too far afield to ex­plain all this now. Many artists are sup­port­ing us, in­clud­ing the well-known Dutch fok and pro­test song singer <span data-html="true" class="plainlinks" title="Wikipedia: Simon

  The polit­ical side of Provo is re­flected both in its monthly pub­lica­tion Provo and in the demon­stra­tions which we organ­ise. We feel our­selves very near to, almost a part of, the Dutch “New Left” ideas. We have con­tacts with the Ameri­can “New Left” organ­isa­tion, and I think there is a new left organ­isa­tion in England also, with the Com­mit­tee of 100 and the Anarch­ist Fed­er­a­tion of Britain. We think these move­ments are linked to one anotherm, and the fact that they actually exist at all is in­dic­at­ive of the death of the ant­agon­ism between the Bour­geoisie and the Pro­let­ariat, which have both melted into one big in­dif­fer­ent mass of un­en­gaged people worry­ing only about their tele­vision and their second car. The only re­bel­lious group left in the Welfare State is the “Provo­tariat”. Hence our “Ap­peal to the Inter­na­tional Provo­tariat”.

Amsterdam, May 1966 m. j. lindt