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Part VI


Teaching Materials

  This sec­tion in­cludes ma­ter­ials rel­ev­ant to rad­ical teach­ing and re­search, and the study of left polit­ical ideas and organ­iz­a­tions. The sec­tion falls into three parts:

  I. An an­not­ated bib­li­o­graphy of rad­ical pro­fes­sional and gen­eral journ­als and news­let­ters ap­pear­ing in the Eng­lish lan­guage. To make this bib­li­o­graphy man­age­able, we have omit­ted pub­lic­a­tions whose main thrust is coun­ter­cul­tural rather than polit­ical, most single-issue news­let­ters, and stu­dent journ­als. This part of the bib­li­o­graphy is also di­vided ac­cord­ing to coun­try of pub­lic­a­tion (United States, Great Britain, other); and those works are further di­vided into those whose themes are mainly na­tional and the­or­et­ical and those whose themes are mainly foreign and in­ter­na­tional (Third World in the case of “other”).

   A list of left news­papers, news agen­cies, and journ­als that are mainly (but not ex­clus­ively) af­fil­i­ated with polit­ical organ­iz­a­tions. This list does not in­clude most single-issue news­papers, local rad­ical news­papers, trade-union news­papers, and papers/ journ­als of youth or sub­si­di­ary groups of the vari­ous polit­ical organ­iz­a­tions.

  III. An an­not­ated bib­li­o­graphy of teach­ing and re­search ma­ter­i­als and re­sources: books, pamph­lets, bib­li­o­graph­ies,
films, tapes, comics, games, songs, etc., and re­source organ­iz­a­tions in vari­ous areas. While there is some at­tempt to be com­pre­hens­ive (at least as re­gards the United States) in the areas covered in Sec­tions I and II, Sec­tion III of­fers—of ne­ces­sity—a rel­at­ively se­lect bib­li­o­graphy. Aside from ex­cep­tional items, only the most im­port­ant of the many hun­dreds of rad­ical groups which pro­duce such ma­ter­i­als has been listed.

  The fairly rapid turn­over of rad­ical pub­lic­a­tions, presses, and part­ies, and the fre­quent changes of ad­dress, may quickly date some of our in­form­a­tion. We would ap­pre­ci­ate it, there­fore, if read­ers who find this bib­li­o­graphy use­ful would help us keep it up to date by in­form­ing us as to needed cor­rec­tions and ad­di­tions. Fin­ally, quoted ma­ter­ial where it ap­pears is taken from the pub­lic­a­tion’s own ad­vert­ise­ments.


  A. United States

    1. Mainly na­tional and the­or­et­ical themes

Ad­voc­ate, 2121 S. El Camino Real, San Mateo, Ca., 94403. So­cial­ist gay lib.
Against the Wall, Box 444 West­field, N.J., 07091. Anarchist.